Chapter Twenty-Four: Forbidden Love

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"Hey Cal!" Sam smiles, running over to her sister in the hallway.
"Hey Sammy! How'd everything go today?"
"Surprisingly better!"
"That's what I like to hear!"
"Are you working today?"
"Not today! I'm almost maxed out on my hours and your dad wants me there on the weekend."

"Do you maybe want to do something together?"
"Oh my god yes! Yes! Actually I need your help with something."
"Yeah of course, what is it?"
"Robby is taking me out on a date, and I have no idea what I'm wearing or how I'm going to do my make up or my hair or really anything? I haven't been on a date in like a year so I am clueless."
"Well, as someone who went on a horrid date, I can only offer that base knowledge. But I can assist in the make over part."
"You are a lifesaver! Okay, I'm going to stop by the shop real quick to grab something and I'll meet you at home?"
"See you there!"


"Hey kiddo! Thought I told you that you didn't need to come in today?" Daniel says confused. He did tell her that right?
"I'm not here to clock in, don't worry! I'm just here to grab a few things from the back room. I promise I will not touch the bonsais."
"I trust you with the bonsais. Just be careful down there okay? Sometimes Louie just throws things in."
"Got it! Thanks Uncle Danny!" Cal smiles, heading towards the back. She passes by Amanda's office, spotting her and Robby doing paperwork.

"Hey! You're not supposed to work today!"
"I'm not, don't worry! I need to get something from the back. I'll be out of here in a jiffy!"
"All right, as long as it's not work."
"Not work! Promise!" Cal smiles, waving at the two before heading down into the back room. She sees the bonsais in a cage and snickers, he really does treat those little trees like a dragon's gold.
Cal starts to fish around the shelves, looking for the little speaker she brought with her last time she was down there organizing. The sound of the door opening stopped her movements, turning towards the noise and finding Robby smiling in the light from the hallway before the door closes leaving them in semi-darkness.

"Oh this doesn't look suspicious at all." Cal comments with a laugh.
"I don't have a lot of time. I told Mrs LaRusso I was going to the bathroom." Robby explains, striding towards her.
"What can't wait until tonight when you sneak into my room again? I need to get you a drawer!" Cal hears him chuckle, reaching down to intertwine their fingers.
"You look really beautiful today."
"Robert Keene, are you getting sappy with me?"
"Don't tell anyone."
"I promise." Cal smiles pulling him into the shadows to give him a soft kiss.

"Have to stay here if you want to kiss me. The cameras can't see us." Cal explains, pointing at the security camera in the far corner.
"Oh so it's a secret relationship?" Robby says softly, the sound of disappointment drowning his voice as he takes a step back.
"No. But you work here and so do I. They have a policy of not fraternizing with co-workers. Plus, by their understanding we've known each other for less than a month. I don't want the LaRussos to think I just hop on any guy I see. You're not a secret to me Robby. I don't want to hide you. I just want you to keep this job and for me to keep my image. Just give it a few weeks and we can tell them together okay?" Cal smiles, smoothing out his shirt.

"Yeah, yeah, no you're right. I'm sorry. I just..."
"You wanted it to be real to everyone else and not just us?"
"Yeah... well us and Sam."
"Oh I've already told four other people so it's real to more than just Sam." Cal laughs, watching Robby smile. He really thought she was embarrassed to be with him but it was just work rules.
"Feel better?"
"Yeah. If I had anyone else to tell about you I would. But you're kinda my only friend right now. I do not trust the boys with you."

"Do they not like me?"
"No. They liked you too much." Cal looks at him as if to ask for more information.
"Look, I had a video from when you were trying to skateboard and I showed it to them when we were high... they basically called you a fine piece of ass. And when I told them I got this job, they called me pussy whipped and said I should bring you over so they get a turn..."
"What the fuck Robby? Okay, I'm going to be honest with you because honesty is the best policy. If I ever meet them, I will kick their fucking teeth in and I wouldn't do well in juvie!" Robby laughs, nodding in agreement.

"I'll make sure your paths never cross."
"Thank you. I am not looking to be someone's bitch."
"Honestly, I don't think anyone could get you to be their bitch. You'd probably make other people bitches."
"You're probably right. I don't like being pushed around and I have a mouth on me."
"Yeah you do." Robby smirks.
"Hey! Knock it off! We're at work!" Cal giggles, feeling him push her harder against the shelves.
"Yeah but that kinda makes it more fun. It's thrilling!"
"Yeah? You want my uncle to find me pinned to the wall by his new star pupil? Think that'll go over well?" Robby steps back removing his hands from her hips, "Wise move." Cal laughs, pecking his cheek.

"Can I see you tonight?" Robby asks hopefully. Cal nods, smiling, "Yes. Yes, you can. Come after dinner around nine yeah?"
"I'll see you then flower." Robby turns around walking towards the door.
"Oh! And..." He reaches into his pocket chucking something at her, "You left that." Cal turns her palm over looking at the small speaker in her hand.


"Okay, so for the outfit! Well what are you doing?"
"Don't know, he said it's a surprise."
"Ooo okay. Mysterious! So let's do a casual look. I don't think he's taking you to a fancy restaurant or anything."
"No, certainly not."
"Let's just hope and pray it's not a movie." Cal laughs, nodding in agreement.

"I mean... unless you're into that?"
"No, no. I like my privacy."
"God same, never realized how much until now."
"Yeah?" Sam removes her gaze from the clothes surrounding her.
"You know I'd do anything for you right?"
"Yeah, of course."

"Could you do me a favor?"
"Yeah, well I mean depends on what it is."
"Can you maybe not tell your parents the name of the guy I'm seeing?"
"Can I ask why?"
"He may or may not work for them now?"
"Oh my god shhhh!" Cal puts her hand over Sam's mouth feeling something slimy roll over it and reeling her hand back like she touched a hot stove.
"Did you just lick me?!"
"Yes!! You didn't let me finish!"
"Okay... well?"

"This is so Romeo and Juliet of you! Forbidden romance! Wistful glances in the break room, sneaking around to get a kiss in during work, having to hide your love!"
"We've been together a little over two weeks, Sam." Cal laughs.
"Can't believe he didn't take you on a date before then!"
"We were kinda busy with work. He's new so he has more hours than me and he tends to be tired afterwards."
"Awww that's kinda sweet. Waiting to give you all his energy and attention." Sam teases, poking Cal's stomach.
"Never! It's what sisters are for!"

"You'll probably see him around. Uncle Danny's doing some karate with him."
"Really? He gonna get all big and strong to save you?"
"Funnily enough he said something similar and I told him I wanted a few good hits in which he agreed with."
"As you should. Honestly you probably won't need it but it's still sweet he thought of it." Sam smiles before turning back to the closet.
"Now, I'm thinking some nice jeans, a cute little blouse, and a jacket with some cute boots?"

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