Chapter Thirty-Eight: Love & Fear

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"Morning flower." Robby smiles as Cal's eyes drift open.
"Morning love." She sighs, curling further into his bare chest.
"Did you sleep all right?"
"More than all right." Cal smiles up from his chest, watching as a smile falls over his own lips.

"I love you." Robby whispers, kissing her softly.
"I love you too. Thank you for being so good to me."
"You deserve that and more. Really it's the bare minimum flower, shouldn't have to thank me for that."
"Still, the bare minimum is a luxury these days." Cal says softly, running her fingers over his chest.
"Not for you. I'm going to do better and be better for you. Be the man you deserve."
"You are. You did really well yesterday with Eli. You talked to me instead of going into your own head or lashing out. That's what you should do, talk to me."
"I will. Always from now on." Robby assures her rubbing his hand over her cheek before pulling her lips to his own.

"Are you two decent?" Daniel asks through the door, making the teens part from each other with a laugh. Cal fixes her sleep shirt before calling through the door, "Yes Uncle Danny!"
"Oh thank god." Daniel laughs, opening the door, spotting Robby laid in her bed, and Cal sitting up in a big t-shirt.
"Okay, maybe I need to make a rule about full clothing while in bed?"
"Daniel, come on." Amanda giggles, walking up beside him.
"Fine, fine. As long as the other rules are followed." Daniel rubs his eyes before clapping his hands together and looking back to the two.

"Now! I am going to be filming an ad for Miyagi-Do. Cal, as co-owner, I want you to be in it with me."
"Oh! Oh um, I really appreciate it Uncle Danny but I'm not a karate champion or even a sensei? Just because I own half the grounds doesn't mean Im suddenly a red belt." Cal chuckles.
"Well, I'm only a black belt and last I checked, you were pretty good at coaching. Hell you got Sam and Robby balanced!"
"Right, but I wouldn't... Look, I'm just going to be up front... I can't have my face out in an ad..." Cal explains, biting her lip worriedly.
"Um, okay. Why?"
"Maria... if she figures out where I am... I don't want to chance it. It wouldn't be right for me to put everyone in danger just for an advertisement, no matter how much I want to." Cal offers.
"So you'd like to, but you don't want to chance us getting hurt?"

"Honey, we can protect you. I promise you that." Amanda assures her, coming to sit at the edge of her bed.
"No, no I know. I'm not worried about me... Maria has friends all over... and they aren't good people. Well most aren't, some were actually really kind to me but the ones that weren't... she wasn't the only person who hit me..." Cal's voice quiets. Robby takes her hand and squeezes it tightly, sitting up next to her and wrapping his arm around her.
"Oh honey, it's okay. We aren't mad. Right Daniel?" Amanda looks at him with wide eyes.
"No! No! We aren't mad at all kid! I promise you. We love you and we support you in whatever you choose to do or not do." Daniel offers her a smile, "I can do it on my own. I just have to get the lingo down! The... the hippest chat."
"The... oh my god, okay, since I can't be in it - I'm going to write it out for you to avoid this," Cal motions between the two, "happening ever again."
"That is a very good idea." Amanda laughs.
"What? I can be hip!"
"Sure you can honey." Amanda pats his chest, getting up from Cal's bed an giving them both a wide-eyed knowing look.


"What about... 'don't be a snake in the grass'? That might be just enough of a dig to not be incredibly obvious?" Robby offers, watching her document.
"Hmmm that's actually pretty good!"
"See! I'm smart!" Robby smiles, kissing her cheek.
"I'm still making you go back to school when summer is up."
"Damn it!" Robby chuckles.
"You'll have fun. I'll help you."
"Yeah? Know any empty classrooms or janitor's closets?"
"I know a few." Cal smirks.
"You'll have to show me those first." Robby wraps his arms around her waist pulling her back to his chest as she continues to type.
"Maybe if you're good." Cal says cheekily, giving him a glance before going back to her laptop.

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