Chapter Thirty-Two: 50th Annual All Valley Karate Championship

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"Sam!" Amanda yells from Cal's room. Sam rushes out seeing her mother frantically looking around Cal's bed.
"What's going on?"
"She's not here. Do you know where she could have gone?"
"To Robby's?"
"I called, he said she's not there but he'll look for her and keep calling. She's not answering anyones calls or texts. Her car is gone. I don't know where she is or what she's doing. I don't know what the hell happened! I can't believe this, I can't... this is a nightmare." Amanda says softly, falling to Cal's bed.

"It's okay, it's okay mom. We'll find her. I promise. She wouldn't go far."
"What if she went back to Maria? God Sam what if-"
"She wouldn't go back there. She told me she'd rather live on the streets than go back there."
"We need to check the homeless population then. We need to check... her friends? Who are her friends?"
"Um I know that she hangs out with Demetri and Eli, sometimes Aisha, but Miguel did something stupid so she's not with him."
"Call Aisha. I'll see if the school directory has... oh god last names?"
"Demetri Alexopoulos and Eli Moskowitz."
"Thank you. Call Aisha."
"I need my phone to call her mom."
"Right! Right!" Amanda runs to her bedroom fishing in her purse for Sam's phone and quickly hands it to her.

Sam gets to work calling Aisha, who surprisingly picks up.
"What do you want?"
"Have you seen Cal?"
"Not since the party."
"Aisha I know you hate me but please tell me the truth!" Sam begs, making Aisha sit up straighter.

"What's going on?"
"She's missing. We can't find her anywhere. She's not with her boyfriend, she's not here, her car is gone. She won't answer anyone's texts or calls."
"Okay, I'll try texting and calling and keep you posted."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, anything for Cal." Aisha hangs up the phone quickly dialing Cal's number only for it to go straight to voicemail. She shoots Sam a text saying she got sent straight to voicemail and keeps trying.


"Miss Moskowitz? Hi this is Amanda LaRusso."  Sam keeps trying Cal while her mom talks, "Is Eli home? Could I speak to him? No, no, he's not in trouble! Thank you so much... Hi Eli? Oh Um Hawk... is Cal with you by any chance? Or has she called you? ...No... Okay, thank you... no, no everything's fine. Thanks again." Amanda sighs hanging up the phone.
"I can't find Demetri in here anywhere."
"Maybe his mom didn't okay their info being put in the directory?"
"Shit!" Amanda yells, smacking her hands on the table. Sam stands from her seat and hugs her mom.
"We're gonna find her mom. I know we will."

"I checked the dealership, the park, the bakery... she's nowhere." Daniel says throwing his keys on the table with a sigh.
"This is all my fault. She thought I was going to hit her." Daniel's voice breaks.
"Why would she think that?"
"I kicked her boyfriend out and I yelled at her..."
"I know! I was angry. I had a few drinks, it was stupid!"
"We're gonna find her and make this right."


"Here you go sweetheart." Miss Alexopoulos smiles, giving Cal a plate of pancakes.
"Thank you Miss Alexopoulos."
"Oh of course dear. Any friend of Demetri's is welcome. I hear there's a sporting tournament today? Will you be going?"
"Oh god... is that today?" Cal looks to him worriedly.
"It is... but we don't have to go!"
Cal looks down at her pancakes, "No, no. We should... to support our friends." Cal nods to herself like she's made the right decision.
"We don't have to." Demetri tries again.

The poor girl had shown up on his doorstep in the middle of the night, tear tracks down her cheeks, bloody knuckles, and wild hair. His mother was completely confused until she explained who she was causing the older woman to usher the young girl inside immediately, quickly fixing her some tea. She wouldn't stop shaking. She fell asleep on the couch still shivering like she was cold, but really it was just her being frightened out of her mind.

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