Chapter Fifteen: Like a Lost Puppy

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"Eli!" Cal called through the hallway, making the young boy turn around, his shoulders had tensed up and his eyes widened before he saw her friendly face barreling towards him.
"You okay?" She asks softly, watching him nod.
"Come on, let's talk." Cal smiles, pulling him with her towards the main doors before heading to her car.

The two sit down and close the doors before Cal starts to speak.
"You wanna tell me what happened?"
"It's nothing."
"It's not though. If it was nothing you wouldn't have been crying."
"I-I wasn't."
"I know the look Eli. Just tell me what's going on."
Eli sighs, turning to face her with a grimace.
"They just... they keep saying things like I went down on a lawn mower or got shit on my lip. And then they post these comments online... it's like I can't get away from them." He sniffles slightly, feeling Cal grab one of his hands.

"Eli, you're beautiful how you are. It's only a little scar and it shows how brave you are! That surgery is no joke! I've sat in on it! But you did it and you came out the other end still as beautiful as ever. They're just jealous they can't pull off scars."
"You don't have to lie to me Cal. It's okay... I know I'm ugly..."
"Except you aren't? You have a well-defined jawline, symmetrical eyes, plump lips! Plus you are hilarious when you speak up and you're so passionate about that game thingy you and Demetri play! You put your all into everything you do! That should be an asset, not a hinderance." Cal sighs, "Look, the people here are as shallow as a kiddie pool. They're peaking in high school and it's going to be a rude awakening when they get out to the real world. You have that experience with morons, so you'll be more prepared. You'll be able to brush it off and climb that ladder to success. You're strong Eli. You're still here, and you're still fighting to be here every day. That's strength that few people know."

"Thanks Cal... you're really great ya know?"
"It's been said but I don't mind hearing it a bit more." Eli laughs, watching her smile at him.
"See, there's that smile! There's that laugh! I missed that!" Cal hugs him to the best of her ability, feeling his arms tentatively wrap around her.
"I'm not going to break Eli."
"Sorry just not used to hugging."
"Oh god! I'm so sorry! I should have asked!" Cal worries, quickly pulling away.
"No! No! I like them! I just don't get them often unless it's like my mom or something."
"Well then I will definitely be giving you more hugs. Now let me get you home okay?" Cal smiles, starting her car.

The drive to Eli's is filled with music and laughs, Cal waving to his mom before she leaves and heads to Robby's.
"Why do you look like that?" Cal asks, motioning to his panting figure.
"I ran back. Forgot we were hanging out today."
"How rude!"
"I'm sorry flower!" Robby smiles trying to hug her but she puts her hand on his chest.
"Go shower you dork! Then you can hug me!" Robby laughs, nodding before venturing to his room.

Cal starts cleaning up the kitchen, throwing away any rotten fruit and putting any dishes laying around into the dishwasher.
"You don't have to clean." Robby chuckles, toweling his hair.
"Well if I don't no one will."
"Hey! I cleaned before you came over!"
"Barely! Come on, let's clean up the house so you aren't living in filth." Cal smiles, taking the towel from his hands and finishing up his hair herself.
"Let's brush this out and pull it back, and then we will get to work."
"Yes mom."
"Gross, I am not your mom."
"No you're actually here." Cal laughs nodding before swatting him away with the towel back to his room.


The two spent a good four hours cleaning up before they collapsed in a heap on his bed.
"We still need to finish cleaning your room and you desperately need groceries."
"Groceries with what money?"
"Well," Cal sits up turning toward him, "I have a job and I get money from my dad's estate monthly. So, I will get the groceries and you can find a way to pay me back later!"
"It's fine Cal. I don't need the charity." Robby scoffs.
"Christ Robby, it's not charity! You're my friend! You need to eat and that requires more than cup noodles. We don't need to drop a hundred bucks! Just get something other than cup noodles and lucky charms!"
"Don't grumble Robby, it's unbecoming." Cal laughs, pushing his shoulder.

"Hey, why do you think you're a charity case?"
"Because you're a rich girl and I'm a poor boy."
"I'm not rich. The LaRussos are rich. I had to work for everything I had before I came here. I got lucky to have family friends with money who could help me, and I got a job so I wasn't just mooching okay? Is that really all you see me as? Just a rich bitch?"
"I didn't say you were a bitch. I just don't get it. Why do you want to do all this for me?"
"Because I'm your friend Robby. You act like you don't have any."
"I don't have any that would bother to help me clean or buy me groceries."
"Then you have shit friends."

"Hey, they aren't shit just because they aren't like you."
"What do you have in common with these guys huh? Stealing? Skateboarding?"
"We go to the same school. They get it! They don't look at me like a lost puppy that needs saving!"

"You think that's how I look at you?" Cal scoffs, "I've never looked at you like that. I never thought you needed saving! I just wanted to be your friend. I wanted to be the person who would seek out a stranger who was clearly afraid and alone and not look at them like a mark, but like a person. You were my first friend, my only friend for the longest time. So I'm sorry if I roped you into being my friend by being your own personal lost puppy. It won't happen again." Cal says, grabbing her jacket and purse and rifling through it to throw his plaid shirt back at him.
"Here, since it's your favorite."

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