Chapter Thirty-Six: Acting Out

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Content warning: depictions of substance abuse, child neglect and abandonment, Robby being a jerk (get it together man), toxic masculinity, the LaRussos being the family I wish I had... and being a bit overprotective, Amanda laying down the law of the house, also this is 6.3K words so be prepared for a long read


Cal wakes up on Robby's couch, with him still snuggled behind her, to the door creaking open and soft footsteps entering the home. She peeks her head around the arm of the couch seeing a man in the doorway, quickly hitting Robby's chest making him groan softly.
"What is it flower?" He asks groggily, pulling her closer.
"Robby, there's a man here." She explains in a tense whisper. Robby's eyes shoot open, sitting up slightly to see a man's silhouette in the doorway. He removes the blanket from them, climbing over Cal to kneel on the floor, watching her follow suit.

"Come on, get the stuff and let's get out of here." Robby inches forward with Cal trying to grasp his shirt to stop him, only to have him turn around and put his finger to his lips.
"Let's go. We don't have all day." The man commands. Robby creeps closer using the island as a spring to kick the man square in the chest. They both fall to the ground. Cal quickly going to Robby and holding onto his arm as the man coughs on the floor. The lights turn on, blinding the two teens but revealing Shannon who quickly rushes to the man now trying to get himself off the floor as he sputters and groans.

"Oh my god, Rick! Are you okay?" The man, Rick, puts his hand up, catching his breath, "Robby! What is wrong with you?" Shannon asks accusatorially.
"What's wrong with me? You haven't been here in days! I thought someone broke in!"
"Okay. Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I just came to grab a few things, um, cause uh, Rick is flying me to Cabo." Cal watches as she pushes multiple prescription bottles into her purse, the loud jangling of pills making her tense.

"Wait, you're going to Mexico?"
"Uh huh."
"With this guy? For how long? I-I-I mean, we have rent to pay, and I don't - I don't have-" Cal rubs her thumb over his hand, trying to soothe him.
"Don't worry about that because, Rick, you're paying this month, right?" Shannon says happily, pointing at the man.
"I got you, pal." He chuckles, giving him a thumbs up.
"Okay." Shannon says breathily, putting two more prescriptions into her bag.

"When are you coming back?" Robby asks her defeated.
"A few days?" Both she and Rick shrug.
"Um, week and a half, tops."
"Yeah." Shannon agrees, "So you have the whole place to yourself! Well you and... oh god... um I'm sorry I don't remember your name?"
"Right! So you and Cal have the whole place to yourselves! Don't party too hard." She says playfully poking Robby's chest. Shannon takes his face in her hands, "I'll call you tomorrow. Okay sweetie?" She leans up, kissing his forehead with a loud "mwah!"
"I love you." Cal watches as Shannon turns and walks away, Rick going to follow only to be stopped by Robby's voice.
"Hey. You hurt her, next time you won't get up."
"Oh!" Rick says sarcastically, turning to leave again. This time Cal stops him with a hand to his shoulder.

"What do you want kid? You're not nearly old enough to come with... but I guess I could make an exception if you only wear that." He states, eying her bare legs. Cal gives him a sickeningly sweet smile before slapping him across the face, stunning the man who gapes at her like a trout.
"Talk to me like that again or hurt his mom, and you won't only not get up - you'll end up in a casket." She spits, shoving him out of the door and locking it, with the deadbolt this time.

"I fucking love you." Robby sighs, hugging her tightly.
"Not my finest moment of restraint but I don't like assholes." She chuckles dryly.
"Showed more restraint than I was going to when I saw him looking at you like that."
"Come on, think we could both use some time on the punching bag." Robby nods, laughing slightly.

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