Chapter Twelve: Scars

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Cal didn't really think much when she was dressing herself for school that morning. She just grabbed some shorts, a cropped black tank, and one of Robby's flannels that he had left behind. But the outfit still garnered some wary looks from people. But it also made people look away from her, which is what she wanted, to blend in. Apparently, blending in isn't what was in store for her. A young man absentmindedly talking to his friend ran into her, spilling water down her front making Cal gasp at the chill.

"Oh god. I'm... I'm sorry." He stuttered out, keeping his head down. Cal smiles, happy that someone has some manners in this blasted school.
"It's fine. It's water right?" The boy nods.
"Then no harm done." She shrugs.
"Hot out anyway right?" Another boy offers hopefully.
"Are you new?"
"Yeah. I just moved here. I'm Calanthe but most people call me Cal."
"Im Demetri, water boy there is Eli."
"Nice to meet you both." Cal takes notice of Eli's sweater.

"Speaking of it being hot out, what's with the sweater?" Eli shrugs, keeping his head down.
"Are you okay? You're acting like I'm going to hit you? I'm not going to. It was an accident." Cal tries to assure him.
"He's just... he doesn't want you to see his face." Demetri explains.
"He's got a scar."
"Well, then we're in the same boat. Look up, I'll show you." Cal tries, watching the boy hesitantly lift his head.

Cal smiles, pulling her hair back to show the scar on the side of her face.
"I've got this one, and one on my lip that you can't see because I have lipstick on. It's just a thick white line from when I busted my lip open. I've got them all over so one on your upper lip really doesn't phase me." Cal smiles, watching the boy offer her one back.
"So, how about you direct me towards the girls bathroom so I can dry off before lunch yeah?" Eli nods, pointing towards the bathroom on the far side.
"Thanks!" Cal offers another smile before walking to the bathroom leaving the two boys standing shocked that someone of the opposite sex even bothered with them.

Cal held her shirt under the hand dryers, trying to get it moderately dry so she wasn't stuck in a wet shirt for the rest of the school day. Her ring kept heating up, burning her skin with every pass, but she refused to take it off. The ding of her phone made her stop, grabbing it out of her pocket and seeing Robby's name.
"Shouldn't you be in class?" Cal laughs as she answers.
"Could say the same about you flower."
"It's lunch."
"Doesn't sound like you're in the lunch room."
"I'm not. I bumped into someone. They had an open bottle of water so I'm trying to dry my shirt off before I go in."
"Sounds like you're having a slightly better day than I am."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, just hate school. Not like I learn anything here anyway."

"You should come to West Valley!"
"That is the rich kid school, and I am certainly not rich."
"It's still a public school. Everyone is welcome!"
"Gonna pour a bottle of water on me when I get there?"
"He didn't pour it on me. We just crashed into each other!"
"He huh? You got a boyfriend already flower?"
"Yeah right. You're funny." Cal laughs unhumorously.
"Why's that so not funny?"
"I'm not going to get a boyfriend in literally one day. I'm new and weird."
"You're not weird!" Cal rolls her eyes.

"Besides, I'm wearing your flannel that you left in my room. Which I had to shove under my bed by the way so my aunt wouldn't see it!"
"Which one?"
"The green and dark blue one."
"Hey! That's one of my favorites!"
"Then don't leave it at my house!" Cal retorts with a laugh.
"Well now I won't! Little thief!"
"Hey you leave it behind - it's mine."
"Oh and she's a poet!"
"And you didn't even know it!" Robby laughs.

"Is everything really okay Robby?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just wanted to hear a friendly voice." He reassures her.
"Well, I need a place to crash Friday night. Sam is having this guy over to meet the folks and I already don't like him... so I said I was hanging out with someone."
"So you're inviting yourself over to my run down apartment in the sticks?"
"I guess I am. So? Save me from an absolutely horrid dinner?"
"Fine. But it's not going to be a five star experience. I will try to clean up a bit, just for you flower."
"Awww he's going to clean for me."
"Shut up." Robby laughs.
"Never. Okay, I gotta go so I actually eat something."
"All right flower. Good luck."
"Bye Robby." Cal chuckles.

Cal wades through the lunchline looking for something palatable. She quickly decides on tater tot's and a chicken sandwich. Her eyes roam the cafeteria looking for a place to sit. She lands on the nearly empty table consisting of the two boys that had the water incident, and a new addition.
"Mind if I sit here?" Cal looks to the three boys.
"Uh... don't you want to sit with people more... popular?" Demetri attempts.
"Not really. I've met the mean girls already." Cal laughs, sitting down beside the new guy.
"I'm Cal."
"Miguel." He smiles, showcasing some impressive metal.

"Oof braces! How far along are you?"
"Almost done thank god!"
"Been there! I had mine young since all my adult teeth came in quickly... they just came in janky." The boys laugh.
"See, you lot are much more fun than the priss."
"Are they all really that bad?" Miguel questions softly.
"The guys? Total asshats. Yasmine? Grade A bitch. Moon, I haven't really spoken to so I can't comment. Sam is my sister so I like her."

"Sam is your sister?!" Eli and Demetri whisper yell, looking between the two.
"Eh I could see it, blue eyes, dark hair, pale skin." Miguel comments, pointing at her with his fries.
"We're not blood related." Cal laughs, "Our dads were best friends. We grew up together."
"Did you just move back?"
"Yep! All by my lonesome."
"Where are your parents?"
"My dad is dead. Mom may as well be." Cal shrugs, popping a tater tot into her mouth.
"That sucks."
"It is what it is."

The group falls into a comfortable silence only sullied by Miguel's insistence that they all join his dojo, citing that no one wants to mess with someone who knows karate.
"Thank you very kindly Miguel, but I already know karate." Cal speaks up.
"You do?!"
"Yeah. I've been in lessons since I was four years old!"
"Damn, okay so we know who to call if someone's beating us up." Demetri laughs.

"Wait, people actually beat you up?"
"Oh often. Mostly just swirlies and jabs."
"Yeah that's not going to work for me. Who does it?" Cal questions the two, who look between themselves before turning back.
"Kyler and his cronies."
"Great. Yeah that's gonna stop."
"Good freaking luck."

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