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"come on, please come with me" I beg maelyn, "we don't have to stay for the whole thing" I say making her roll her eyes but nod eventually.

"thank you" I sing out dragging her out of the house to my car. malik didn't keep up to his word of coming to see me, so I'm going to watch his game without announcing.

he messes up when I'm there, its better if he doesn't know I'm there.

soon we are pulling in on the field, we walk in hand in hand to find seat on the benches and watch the game since it was already half way into the game.

"this is torture, this is way too hot for you, for us to be sitting out here for a useless man" maelyn says fanning herself, i gnore her watching the game.

I have dated malik for almost a year now and I've always supported his goals and dreams to be a soccer player, he has potential but I don't see hope in him.

although I will never tell him that.

I cheer loudly when his team score and the whistle goes off meaning that's the end, the few people watching clap as they shake each other's hands and drink water.

"come on" I say taking maelyn's hand and lead is towards the field, the closer I get the more malik comes into view talking to a girl with a big smile. I stop in my tracks when him kiss her happily.

"well damn" mae mutters also seeing this, I roll my eyes turning back to walk away and mae comes with me, "he ain't shit anyways, I've been trynna tell you" she says throwing her arm around my shoulders.

"yeah whatever, I was getting bored anyways. I'm not going to trip over his ugly ass" I shrug getting in my car, mae cheers as she gets in the passenger seat.

"I say we set his car on fire" I smile at the idea glancing at her, she looks at me with a knowing look making both of us laugh.

"I'm so in"

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