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holy shit.

"c'mon billie, taste yourself baby" jaylin says inching my head towards her dick, I don't waste a minute using my tongue to lick from the base to the tip with a satisfied moan.

"there you go" she mutters tilting her head backwards as I go around her whole dick licking before I wrap my hand around the base and open mouth kiss her tip which made her twitch.

my tongue teases her small slit on the top making her sigh while laying back completely relaxed, "take your time with it baby, it's all yours" she says shifting me so my body is closer to her.

I hum wrapping my lips around the tip and suck on it making her moan before I push in further to take more of her but we both knew I could never deep throat her.

she's too big and too long, it was never going to happen.

I do love sucking her off though, there is nothing I love more than being on my knees and pleasing her.

she's sexy.. what else do I need to say?

"c'mere" she mutter pulling me up, she reaches into the table to take the pink vibrator and lays me down, "don't you dare pull it out or touch it without my permission okay?" I nod watching test out the different settings.

"words billie"

"yes" the stern in her voice makes my wall cling around nothing.

she hums opening my legs and pushes it in softly making sure to leave the take off it hanging out, "I will be back" she says turning it on making my body jerk.

i moan as I close my eyes at the feeling but then she cranks it up all the way making me gasp as I close my legs and cover my touch, "no touching billie" I immediately remove my hand and squirm.

"ill be back" she says leaving the controller right next to me and walks out making sure to leave the door open.

I let out a small cry as my legs shake uncontrollably at the feeling, I found myself curled up and trying to run away from it but I still made sure not to touch it.

I let out a loud moan when I feel an orgasm approaching and I start squirting, "jaylin!" I cry out keeping my legs open as I tremble.

my body jerks in all directions trying to stop the buzzing, it's so good yet sooo intense.

soon jaylin comes in with a glass of water as she drinks it before she puts it aside, "open your legs for me billie" she orders making me do so.

"good, now cum" she tells me watching from the foot of the bed.

"but jay-"

"I said cum billie" she orders again making me cry out, I hold my legs open as I tremble underneath her gaze and lose myself in the second wave of an orgasm.

I let out a scream as I find myself squirting once again and this time she pinches my clit making me jump away, she chuckles stopping the vibrator making me let out a breath.

"I fucking hate you" I say breathlessly as she laughs.

"no, you don't" she says kissing me and picks me off the wet bed, she adjusts me in her arms to hold my legs open while facing the mirror in front of me.

I reach down to take her hard cock in my hand and run it through my folds before lining it up and she sinks me down making me sigh while leaning back.

I've grown so comfortable to the feeling of her filling me.

I crave her every minute we're not fucking.

"fuck me jaylin" I say with my hand cupping the side of her neck, she slowly starts thrusting in me as I use my fingers to open my lips for her.

"that's good" I mutter as she picks up her pace thrusting upwards, "i love your cock so much jaylin" I tell her as I turn my head to kiss her.

she keeps our lips locked as she picks up the pace lifting me up and down as if I weighted nothing and her hips meet my thrusts, my hand runs my clit as we keep eye contact through the mirror.

"you look so pretty like this" she mutters kissing my ear. her words bring me so much closer to my orgasm.

"yeah?" I ask breathlessly, I look a messy but I guess that is what she likes.

my thighs are full of hickies, my tits are sticky and overly-sensitively peaked, my face has dried tears and my hair is a mess.

"mmh, you look so worn out" she says kissing my shoulder although her thrusting down stop.

"im gonna cum" I tell her suddenly aware of my orgasm.

"cum for me baby" she says looking straight at me through the mirror although they fall down when she feels my cum coat her dick and she smiles a bit at the sight.

"good girl" she mutters kissing my eyes, she pulls out to cum making me smile.

"fuck that was good" I sigh as I turn in her arms to wrap my legs around her waist, "but I'm tapping out" I tell her making her laugh.

"I think I'm tapping out too"she says handing me a glass of water and takes me to the bathroom to place me on the toilet, "we need to get you on some birth control shots, if you're comfortable with that" she says running the bath water.

"why? so desperate to cum in me" I tease making her laugh.

"so desperate, you have no idea" she says kissing my forehead, "keep an eye while I go change the bedding that you have completely drenched" she says making me blush.

she smiles wrapping a towel around her lower waist and walks out.

too lazy to rewrite this or proofread.

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