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"look at her" I point making billie turn her head to see our daughter running up to the car and I open the back door letting her in, she shuts the door after she has gotten in.

"hi mommy, hi mama" she grins swinging her feet, I chuckle buckling her seatbelt over the seat.

"hello baby, how was school?" I ask her giving her forehead a kiss.

"it was good, teacher said I did good and gave me a star" she shows the gold star on the back of her hand.

"yeah, well done baby, that's my girl" billie grins giving her a high-five as I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

"who was that boy?" I ask pointing at the boy she was with when we picked her up, she gasps cutely and giggles.

"that's my boyfwiend" she giggles making me roll my eyes and billie laughs at my face.

"yeah? he's cute baby" billie entertains her making her start rambling about her boyfriend as I drive to the restaurant billie asked for.

"okay now, enough boy talk" I interrupt them as I park the car, "come on, let's go get food" I say getting my stuff and hope out of the car to get mae from the backseat.

i take her hand going to open billie's door, "come on big mama" I mutter taking her hand and help her out, she hops out and hits me as soon as she's out.

"im going to ignore that you just called me big because im hungry" she says walking away with a waddle making me smile, we catch up with her and we find a booth.

"mommy is about to pop" I say rubbing billie's stomach, "how are you feeling? you due date is next week" i ask putting mae in a booster seat.

"like this baby is going to just fall out anytime, im so ready for it to be over" I chuckle rubbing her stomach softly.

it's funny because billie came back to me and wanted kids as in that day, that second and it took us one unprotected moment for her for be pregnant but she loved it so much that she wanted it again asap.

but we agreed to take time to raise mae first before she can be pregnant with another and once mae was ready for school and billie immediately wanted to be pregnant after we dropped her off for the first day of school.

she loves being pregnant but she hates the last month because she says she gets impatient.

"are you ready to have a little brother baby?" I ask mae watching her eat her fries.

"mmh hmmm, I'm gonna be big sissy" she nods eagerly.

"and you're going to be the best big sister" I smile as she goes back to eating.

billie groans pushing her plate back, "and you're about to be a big sissy now because mommy's water just broke" she says standing.

"shit" I sit up seeing mae looking at billie with wide eyes and her hands covering her mouth, "mommy had an accident" she whispers yells making me laugh.

"sure, she did" I pick her up and place money on the table before directing billie out of the restaurant.

after the first pregnancy you do realize that there's really no need to panic like you might panic on the first pregnancy, it takes some time to dilate and it's enough to get to the hospital.

"jaylin he wants out now, hurry please" billie groans on her chair, i speed up my drive but I don't want to scare the child in the back seat.

"I'm gonna be a big sissy!" mae screams as i drive making billie laugh a bit.

"in about a minute, right here and right now, if your mama doesn't hurry up"

"we're almost there" I tell her rubbing her stomach but she hits my hand off with a glare making me chuckle.

here comes the anger, it's a routine really.. she's gonna start shouting about me knocking her up but but once she's healed and okay, she will want me to knock her up again.

"we're here"

"I'm gonna be a sissy!" I laugh getting them both out as quickly as possible into the hospital.

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