twenty three

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i smirk to myself, feeling billie's pretty tongue slide up and down my cock. my fingers type against the keyboard, the clicking sound and billie's moans filling my ears. her hands grip my thighs, looking up at me with teary eyes.

"just like that, good girl, baby" my hand glides through her hair, gripping it gently through my fingers. billie smiles, taking my cock in her mouth. the machine fucks her gently, not too fast, just enough for her to feel pleasued, but still making her hunrgy for more.

she moans, the vibrations going through my body. my cock disappears in her mouth, her soft nose hitting my stomach. keeping my hand on her head, i start fucking her throat.

"god you look so fucking pretty like this" a moan slips out of me, keeping one hand on my desk as i continue working. billie takes me down her throat like it's her life purpose, and maybe it is? i can smell billie's cunt, and i have a strong feeling she'll be staining my carpet.

but who doesn't like a bit of cum stains?

when i look down at her again, she's already looking at me. there's nothing but lust in her eyes, begging me to turn on a higher setting. but i only smirk, taking my eyes off her.

giving her what she wants would be too easy now, especially when we got the whole night ahead of us. billie's warm lips leave my cock, although i can feel her hand still stroking me.

"how long until you're done?" she murmurs, taking my cock down her throat again. she's being gentle, because she knows for a fact when i'm done, the last thing i'll be is gentle.

"i'm almost done, just keep going until i say otherwise," billie hums around my cock, going up and down with my hand still on her head.

i was done an hour ago, i've been typing the same sentence for the past 30 minutes. it's always so fun to watch her slowly grow impatient, stretching it until the line is so small she'll do anything to cum, anything.

after some minutes, billie starts to take me in deeper and faster. my hand grips her hair tighter, my eyes drift to hers again, a devilish smirk on her lips. i raise my eyebrow, matching the smirk on her lips.

i feel myself closer to release when she hollows her cheeks, playing with my balls in one hand. "make me cum, my little slut"

i take both my hands into her hair, thrusting into her mouth. her mouth is always so soft, and warm. my eyes roll into the back of my head, letting out a small moan as i cum down her throat.

billie moans when i cum, sucking hard on my cock to get every drop. she releases my cock with a 'pop' licking her lips after. "can you fuck me now, please?" she mumbles, the machine still going in and out of her.

i smirk at her, "have you been a good girl, billie?"

she nods her head, letting out a small breath when i turn the machine off. "go to the bedroom, and lay down on the bed." billie doesn't say anything more as she gets up, cum rolling down her leg as she walks.

i wait for a couple minutes, before i start walking to the bedroom. and when i get into the bedroom, i find myself raising an eyebrow.

billie is laying on the bed, her hand between her thighs as she rubs her clit. i always knew my pretty princess was a slut, from the beginning i knew she was going to end up being a slut for me.

"hmm, jaylin" she moans, throwing her head back. her white teeth sinks into her plump lip, her legs are shaking slightly. it's always such a sight to see billie masterbate. the way her fingers move so desperately.

"starting without me, huh?" billie stops her movements, looking over at me with a playful smile. the look in her eyes alone makes me want to bury myself in her pussy forever.

"not my fault you took too long" she shrugs, licking her lips as her eyes drift to my cock. there is so much hunger in them i could drown.

"but it is your fault you can't be patient" billie only rolls her eyes, watching me intensely when i walk to the bed. i sit down between her legs, taking one hand on each knee to spread them apart.

"you're always so wet" i murmur, kissing her thighs softly. a small moan escapes her lips, "please jaylin, i cant take anymore edging"

"you take what i want you to take" i whisper, before pushing inside her with one solid stroke. she shivers beneath me, her beautiful eyes rolling into the back of her head. such a pleasant sight.

i grab her hips, leaning forward to kiss her. the kiss is quick to turn wet, and sloppy. i can tell by the way she's squeezing me it's not going to take long until she cums. my name leaves her lips when her back arches.

my hands slide down from her hips, to her thighs again. bringing her legs up in the air, making my thrusts deeper. her pussy is so wet, the sloppy wet noises fills the room.

i break the kiss, my lips kissing harshly down her throat. billie let's out a breathy moan when i bite down on her collarbone, leaving a small mark.

billie's hands finds my back, her nails digging into my skin when i quicken the phase. her legs are shaking, her mouth wide open with her eyes rolled back. "god, you're so fucking beautiful"

my teeth sink into her nipple, she goes quiet for a moment, before she lets out a load moan as i pull it with my teeth. "fuck jaylin!" before i can even think, she cums all over my cock, triggering my own orgasm.

i thrust one last time, deep inside of her as i cum. watching her shake underneath me. "that's it, good girl."

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