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"do I have to go now?" I ask with a whine while looking up at jaylin, she smiles letting her hand go down my back to my ass.

"it would be better if you do it now" she says, she puts her hand under my chin, she turns my face to the left and wipes off the crumbs the corner of my lips and taps my cheek afterwards.

I bite my lip staring at her as she removes her towel to put on some briefs then her sweats and a shirt, "I'm going to need to get more underwear, you literally rip every pair you see on me like an animal" I say with a chuckle while looking at my torn underwear on the floor.

"I will pay for them" she shrugs handing me some lose boxers and a shirt, "plus I don't think you need underwear, easier access for me" she adds making me blush, she smiles lifting my chin to kiss me deeply.

"you're so dangerous" I mutter refusing to let go of her lips, she hums questionably while picking me up to stop having to bend down, her hands hold my ass to keep me up as she tilts her head in the kiss.

"oh god" I moan feeling her fingers run over my sensitive entrance, "this is exactly what I mean when I say you're dangerous" I say pushing my body against her making her finger slip in.

"yet you're so wet" she teases pushing a finger in deeper, i moan grinding before I pull away pushing her back, "I can't be fucking you 24/7" I say making her put me down.

"it feels so good but I can't baby" I tell her as I put on the clothes she had handed me, she licks her finger staring at me hungrily making me want to fold once again.

"fuck stop" I wince making her smile and chuckle.

"let's get you some food" she says with a laugh, opening her bedroom door, I smile walking out but only to be met with a horrified malik.

jaylin kisses her teeth stepping back, "what the fuck is going on here?" he asks in a scream.

"I think that's quite obvious" I say with a pitiful smile, "it's not very nice to cheat on your girlfriend malik" I tell him raising an eyebrow, "and don't start lying because I saw you kissing that girl" I say using my finger to make him close his mouth.

"and yes, I fucked your mom. I would say it won't happen again but it definitely will, she's actually not scared of eating my pussy and damn does she eat it good" I say patting his cheek.

"now give my ass a fat goodbye because I will continue to fuck your mom" I shrug hooking my fingers to jaylin's briefs and pull her with me to the kitchen.

"sorry man" I hear jaylin say to him as she gets past him, I bite back a smile letting her go when we get to the kitchen and hop on the counter.

"that was hot" she says with her hands resting on my thighs, I bite back a smile looking at her veiny hands and back at her, "you're hot" I say kissing her.

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