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"I don't know why your son isn't as good as you, lord knows he needs to learn how to please a woman" I say as I cuddle against jaylin and use my finger to trace her abs.

she laughs as she places her hand on my ass underneath the blanket, "I'd appreciate if we didn't talk about my son after sex" she says squeezing my ass, I chuckle turning my head to look at her from her shoulder.

"have you always had a thing for younger girls?" I ask teasingly making her face twist to disgust.

"don't say it like that" she laughs, "I've had a thing for every woman as long as they're of age and please don't use the term girls" she say turning to me and pecks my lips.

"that makes me feel like a paedophile" she says shaking her head.

"I'm twenty one, if that makes you better" I giggle cupping her face to kiss her again, "how old are you though?" I ask her laying my head on her shoulder.

"don't worry about that" she says kiss her teeth, I laugh sitting up on my side with my leg still over hers.

"no, I want to know" I giggle with my hand on her jaw, she kisses my palm and shakes her head.


I laugh straddling her, "ugh, I still need to break up with your son" I groan sitting up on her, her hands hold my hips and rubs it softly with her thumb.

"you know he's not actually my son right?" she asks with a chuckle, "we're not even blood related, he is my ex girlfriend's son, she left him when he was six and completely disappeared" she says with a shrug.

"so you're also into milfs? damn" I laugh, she smiles pulling me down into her, "I told you, I'm into all women" she says kissing me, I smile feeling her getting hard again.

"I couldn't help myself, you look good on top of me" she says using her hands to grip my ass and squeeze making me moan, I lift my hips letting her tip rub through my folds.

"well good because I definitely could go for another round" I say pulling the covers over us, I connect our lips once again in a kiss. I roll my hips against her making her groan lowly.

she bites my lip softly reaching down to push her tip in and push my hips down, my breath picks up as I sit down fully on her, "you feel so good" she says rubbing my hip.

"god you're so big" I say sitting up, my hands hold on her lower stomach as I grind against her making her close her eyes blissfully.

"come on billie" she says smacking my ass, I lean over and pick up my hips and sit back down, "there you go" she groans helping me bounce on her with her hands on my ass.

she places her hand on my lower stomach to put pressure on it, whimpers fall out of my mouth. "fuck baby" I pant, opening my eyes to look at her.

she pulls me down to kiss me before we hear the front door shut loudly making her groan, "keep going princess" she says smacking my ass.

I let out a loud moan lifting my hips once again and this time she thrusts upwards in me making me fall into her, "fuck fuck" I moan out gripping her sheets.

"you feel so good billie" she mutters quicken her pace, my eyes roll back as my jaw drops. I feel my stomach tighten as I cum around her and she keeps her pace through out.

"oh fuck, there you go" she pulling out and cums directly on my pussy, I giggle while cuddling into her neck. "you're okay?" she asks rubbing my back.

"I'm more than okay" I tell her.

"okay, let's get you cleaned up before you go talk to him" she says picking me up, I wrap my arms around her neck letting her take me to the shower.

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