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I shut the fridge after getting my water bottle and walk out back to look for billie. she stayed a night after our date and although we didn't do anything last night.

we got home quiet late. after the restaurant, we spontaneously took a drive which landed us almost out of the city where we sat and stargazed before we got back in the car and made our way home.

when we got here, it was already 1am in the morning, so we just took a quick shower and called it a night.

I didn't need to go to the office today, so I woke up and went to the gym by the time I was back billie was awake and making breakfast. after a quick shower, I am finally joining her by the pool.

"hi" I smile at her, she looks up from her phone and gives me a big smile. "are you finally back to give me attention?" she jokes pulling me closer by my pants, I chuckle while drinking my water.

"I like to be treasured, to be treated like a princess, to be someone's number one priority, to have someone completely obsessed with me and to be spoilt" billie says with a shrug.

"most boys don't like all that or don't have the patience for it, which is why they don't think I'm girlfriend material" she pouts, "I mean I love little meaningful gifts but I think I appreciate meaningful gestures more and more of materialistic gifts" she says with a little laugh that I join in on.

"I get it" I nod, "its stupid that they don't think you're girlfriend material" I say leaning back on my car and billie takes this time to move closer and lean on me.

"yeah.. I just always have had that treatment, my brother and my dad.. they have always told to never settle for less than I want because there is no way that in a world of almost 8 billion people, the person I want isn't there" she chuckles.

if only she knew.

I don't willingly give girls my bank account to shop all they want. sure, I have money but I work for it and you should make your own, I don't mind sharing and giving you some here and there but I've never let anyone completely take my card.

I just want to give billie all she dreams off.

"I still like to be independent though, shit I have bank of my own but it's nicer coming from anyone else. you spoil me, I spoil you" she says looking up at me, "but that's later down the line" she says jokingly patting my chest making me laugh loudly and she chuckles.

"yes, I'm here to be overly obsessed with you" I say checking her out in her black bikini, her tits sat perfectly on her chest as she was laying down and her one leg propped up.

"good" she grins holding onto my sweats waist line as it sat low showing on my v-line, "I love when you were these pants" she mutters looking up at me while her fingertip traces my print.

the exact pants I wore when she came over to break up with malik.

"you're so pretty" I say with my hand on top of her head softly running along her hair, she smiles asking for a kiss. which I lean down and kiss her making her hum happily.

"I have a surprise for you" she says standing up, "when I went shopping yesterday, I visited a shop and got us a few toys per say" she says pushing her hand through my waist line into my pants.

"and last night we were both exhausted but today we're both here for the whole day" she says making me hum while holding her close, her hands both hold my not so hard dick in my pants.

"I love that but malik is going to be here in a minute, let me talk to him quickly while you go upstairs and.. prepare yourself, I want you naked on the bed" I tell her pulling her hands out.

she smiles kissing me and I hear a car pull in the driveway knowing it's malik, "you go and talk to him" she says while collecting her things, I kiss her cheek and go open the front door.

"come in" I say letting him in and his girlfriend, I lead us to the kitchen and offer them something to drink, I see his girlfriend eyeing me and biting her lip making shift uncontrollably.

if I knew he was bringing someone with, I would have put on a shirt. I cross my arms over my chest as I lean against the table across from them, "listen, I want to talk about the whole situation. you've gone m.i.a for months now, you can't be still mad about it, can you?" I ask him.

"I can and I am"

"okay but why? don't you have a girlfriend? and weren't you the one that cheated?" I ask him making him roll his eyes.

"I don't care about that, I care about the fact that you fucked my ex girlfriend" he says raising his voice.

"okay malik, I know you're not a child no more but I still don't fuck with that" I say talking about the tone on his voice, "and I don't get why you're mad, she's an ex for a reason and you cheated because you didn't want her no more" I shrug.

billie walks in but stops her tracks when she notices the girl basically drilling on the counter, she walks over still in her bikini and hands me a shirt before leaning up to kiss my cheek with her hand on my stomach.

"thank you" I whisper out to her, she nods walking away but not without glaring at the girl. I slip the shirt on and go back to talking to him.

"I don't understand why you couldn't fuck the next door neighbor or something" he says rolling his eyes, "what's next? you're going to make my ex girlfriend my stepmom?" he asks.

"might just" billie mutters loud enough while going up the stairs, malik jumps up as if he is going to billie but I pull him back.

"and what the fuck are you going to do exactly? hit her?? you hit women malik?" I ask now raising my voice.

I know damn well I didn't raise no women beater.

"she is being disrespectful, she just said she will be my stepmom" he points out.

"and she might just be your stepmom, now get the fuck out and go to where you came from because you know damn well I don't like how you're acting right now" I say opening the door.

he looks at me and up the stairs before sighing and signal his girlfriend to follow him, "come back when you've actually thought shit through and give me an actual explanation to why you deserve to be acting like this" I say shutting the door.

I lock it before removing the shirt and go up the stairs, "and for you and starting drama" I say walking in on billie laying naked in bed, she giggles as I remove my pants and join her.

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