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true to it, I woke up to kisses on my back to my lower back making me smile and let out a huff while pushing my face into the pillow.

"morning" jaylin says rubbing my ass and holds my hips to flip me over, "morning" I mutter rubbing my face, she hums kissing my thighs and biting on it slightly making sure to leave marks.

she buries her face against my pussy, inhaling and lets out a groan to tear off my underwear making me whimper, "you've got to stop that, fuck" I say looking down at her.

"never" she mutters looking up at me while letting her tongue run through my folds making me shutter while relax into the bed. she hums happily pulling back and place a kiss on my clit making me jolt.

she pushes the back of my legs up to my chest making me hold my legs, "so so good" she says in between kisses on my pussy, her tongue pushing in me and rounds it against my walls making me throw my head back.

"baby please" I beg in a whimper trying to push myself closer to her, she smiles pulling back to watch the string of cum connected to her tongue.

"you just woke up and already so needy" she says coming up to kiss me and holds my legs against my chest, "I need you to fuck me" I tell her as I feel her fingers teasingly my entrance.

"how bad do you want it?" she asks kissing and teasing my ear, one finger pushes in me making me close my eyes blissfully , "you respond when I talk to you billie" she says harshly pushing her finger deeply .

"I want you to fuck me so bad baby, I want you to use me, ruin me until you're happy" I say opening my eyes to look at her, "please just make sure I can't walk while you're at work" I add making her smile.

"fuck you're perfect" she mutters, going back down to take my clit in her mouth, "and you taste so good" she mutters, enjoying herself.

her tongue in me with her nose rubbing against my clit, my mouth drops open as I leg go of my legs to wrap them around her head and keep her in place while I hump against her.

she curls her tongue in me making me squeal in surprise, she pulls back slightly to wrap her tongue around my clit sucking hard on it with her two fingers replacing her tongue's previous placement.

her fingers hitting and rubbing against sensitive areas against me making my body shriek as I feel my legs shake, "jaylin baby" I moan out holding her head against my clit.

she hums making a wave hit me as I tense up into an orgasm, she continues to fuck me through it before I push her back, "wait." I cry out making her let out of my clit, she pushes her tongue in me once again to drink my cum all up.

I chuckle breathlessly when she rises to look at me, she pushes her two fingers in my mouth making me hum as I suck them clean and pull her face closer to lick my cum off her chin.

"taste good" I tease making her chuckle while lifting my nightgown over my head and throws it aside, she gentle pinches my nipples while kissing me, "baby, fuck me now" I whine grabbing her hard dick laying against her stomach.

"what if I wanted to fuck these beautiful tits instead? huh" she asks pushing them together and pinches my nipples between her fingers.

"you can fuck them all you want after but look how wet I am for you" I say using her tip to run through my folds, she closes her eyes blissfully at that as I direct her tip to my entrance.

she immediately pushes in with one hard thrust making me bounce with a scream, she places her hands on the back of my legs to lift them onto my chest once again and hold onto them as she thrusts in me.

"oh fuck yes" I moan as the bed shakes, "you're stretching me out baby" I moaned out, opening my eyes to look at hers that were focused on my cunt, the wet slurping sounds of my cum being fucked out off me.

she angles her hips while putting her hand on my lower stomach to push down while she thrust upwards, that immediately touched places making me scream slightly.

"there you go" she mutter looking at my scrunched up face,"that feels good, doesn't it?" she asks keeping her pace. I pull her down to kiss her hard, letting out my whimpers in her mouth.

I could feel her veins pulsing against my walls as she thrusts in me, "jaylin oh my god" I moan out as my walls cling around her, "you're going to make me cum baby" I say with my hands on her back.

she hums with her lips on the back of my air as she increases her pace, "cum for me billie, show me how good I make you feel" she says as my head falls back with my jaw dropped open.

she lifts herself to look at me as my legs shake while I cum, "you're so pretty like this" she says wrapping her hand around my neck and spit in my mouth, I let out a small scream once I calm down but she's still thrusting in me.

she quickly pulls out cumming on my stomach, I giggle wrapping my hand around her to jerk her off and get the every last bit of her load on me.

she connects our lips in a heated kiss making me whimper while she fingers run through my folds and she pulls back to make me lick her fingers clean.

her alarm goes off making her cuss, she pecks my lips and switch it off before her head disappears between my thighs to clean me up with her tongue, she groans lowly kissing my clit and backs away.

"I need to go" she says standing up, she gets a wash cloth to clean me up and dress me in my nightgown before tucking me in bed again, I lay on my stomach watching her get dressed before she collects her things.

"if you want to leave, I will leave a spare key on the kitchen counter but I would prefer you stay so I can get back home to you" she says kissing my forehead.

"okay smooth talker" I giggle asking for a kiss, she gives me a wink closing the door behind her and I hear her leave the house.

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