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"will you stop being mad at me now?" jaylin asks as she starts the car, "you've completely wiped out my bank account" she says squinting her eyes at me.

"don't lie, I've seen how many digits you have in there. that was nothing" I say laughing, she kisses her teeth while pulling out of the parking lot.

"and I wasn't actually mad at you" I tell her as I open my phone, "thank you for the clothes" I thank her leaning over to kiss her cheek.

"you're welcome baby" she mutters before reaching over to look at her phone that is blowing up, she scrolls through the messages briefly while driving before putting it down.

"whose texting you so much?"

she chuckles and shrugs with a teasing smile obviously sensing my jealousy, "I don't know" she says with a low chuckle, I glare at her while reaching over to take her phone and turn it on.

"you're going to see my girlfriends' nudes" she says taking it from me.

"shut up" I say taking it back and look through her notifications but they're all about going out tomorrow for her birthday.

I didn't even know it was going to be her birthday.

"feisty as hell" she mutters putting her hand on my thigh, "you're not going to find anything that is important there, I was just joking" she tells me as I put her phone down.

"why didn't you tell me it was your birthday tomorrow?"

"I didn't know we were at that level" she shrugs.

"and what level is that exactly?" I chuckle, "I mean you just spent a million on me not even a hour ago" I ask turning to her in my seat.

"I don't know, we never talk about whatever this is really" she says glancing at me as she pulls into a fast food restaurant.

"I mean true.. but are you fucking anyone else? or treating anyone else to shopping sprees?" I ask her raising an eyebrow.

"no" she says simply before turning to order when it was her turn, I hand her my card to pay and she does so before handing it back.

"then why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend?" I ask her, "I'm not seeing anyone else besides you either"

"I know" she says leaning over to peck my lips, "but I haven't because I don't want to hold you back, I have my shit figured out. you're still young and I don't want to feel like I'm holding you back or forcing you to grow up and catch up with me" she tells me as we wait.

I nod looking at her, "I don't feel like that though, I think we go quite well together. I keep you going and having fun at your old age while you spoil me" I grin making her laugh.

"how old do you think I am? damn"

"I don't know, you don't want to tell me" I shrug, she stares at me before turning to get the food and hands it to me. she continues to drive out and turn to me to tell me her age.

"I'm turning 33 tomorrow"

"really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I thought you were like 40 or some shit" I laugh making her smack my thigh.

"but anyways.. I don't feel like you're holding me back at all. I like this and it's not something I want to stop or anything so.. I think you should ask the question" I shrug making her chuckle.

"I will but not now since you're expecting it" she says squeezing my thigh.

"I also like how this didn't turn into a fight, lord knows it could have been a fight" I say digging into the bag for fries.

"what are you doing tomorrow? I want to the one to spoil you soon" I ask her as I feed her some fries.

"I don't know, probably go to the bar or some shit, they seem to have my day planned out" she shrugs.

"well can I spoil you the day after tomorrow?" I ask her.

"of course you can"

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