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I smile reaching for the card but jaylin pulls it back, "what is our agreement?" she asks putting her card behind her back.

"not to go too crazy on the first day, no buying cars, a lot of kisses, head and to get some sexy time toys and to spend more nights here" I say the list making her smile, she asks for a kiss making me jump up in her arms to kiss her.

"mwah" I say in between kisses and kiss her cheek and lastly forehead, "here" she says handing me her card, "thank you baby" I sing out hugging her.

"yeah yeah" she says patting my ass, "go and do whatever you want to do and im taking you on a date tonight" she tells me, I nod excitedly getting down from her arms.

"you're the best" I mutter kissing her once again before putting on some clothes and shoes, "where are you taking me? so I can know where to shop" I ask putting on some shoes.

"don't worry about that, just get something fancy.. and have fun. I will pick you up s*ven" she says getting up to put on some clothes too.

kept to her word jaylin was leaving the house at 6:30 to go and pick up billie, dressed in her nicest suit and she took this opportunity to get her favorite car out of the garage since she never gets to use it.

on the other side billie sits on her couch nervously waiting and letting out deep breaths, she has had people ghost her in the past and now she's nervous since she hasn't spoken to jaylin since she left this morning.

what if jaylin forgot?

what if jaylin can't make it tonight and forgot to tell billie?

what if jaylin had taken a nap over time?

what if jaylin-

her thoughts were cut short by a gentle knock on her door making her let out a nervous breath while standing up in her heels and dress to answer the door.

there stood jaylin with a small smile, she looks at the clock on the wall and back at jaylin, "you're a minute early" she says out of nerves, what she wanted to say was thank you for actually showing up.

"do you want me to leave and come back again in a few seconds?" jaylin asks with a little laugh, straightening her posture.

"no" billie mutters suddenly feeling as nervous as the day jaylin was teasing her in the kitchen.

"you look beautiful billie" those words make blush rush up to cover her face, "you look absolutely stunning" jaylin adds stepping forward to take billie's hand.

"thank you, you look very handsome too" billie says bringing herself closer to jaylin and nervously rocks side to side on her heels.

"fuck, c'mere" jaylin mutters holding her face and press their lips together, "you're so fucking beautiful" she says in between kisses making billie giggle.

"thank you" billie says with blush covering her face, "lets go, I'm excited" she says with a small squeal while locking the door, jaylin takes her hand to help her to the car.

writer block..

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