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"hey" I greet giving malik a tight smile.

"want the fuck do you want?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"I want to talk.. seriously" I tell him, "and it's not about me or us, I just want to talk to you about your mom" I say making him roll his eyes and step aside.

I walk in taking in the new apartment he shares with his girlfriend, "let go to the living room" he says leading the way, I take a seat across him on the couch.

"I want to talk about jaylin and your mother" I tell him, "I know this is a family matter and I'm not family but I just want to show you how things are on jaylin's side"

"I don't think this is any of your business"

"it's not" I nod agreeing, "but I want to talk to you as a.. friend" my face twists, "whatever.. but first thing is you have no reason to be mad at your mom like you are"

"that woman spent her years raising you when you're not even biological hers. she could have got you in the system but she didn't and it's not fair how you're treating her. im your ex, what me and your mother do shouldn't bother you, that's between us" I shrug.

"I just don't see why you're giving her the silent treatment, you're the one that lost me, isn't it? you're the one that cheated on me because you don't want me no more" I say licking my lips.

"and she's treating me well, she's treating me sooo well. getting with your mom was never to get back at you, it just happened and its the best thing I've done because she understands me, she attends to my love languages, she treats me good" I tell him.

"and she was fine with this silent treatment until you wanted to run along with your mother" I say using quotation, "the woman that came into her life and took advantage of her loving personality, she dropped you at her doorstep and left and that's the woman that you want to run along with? just because she didn't fuck your ex?" I chuckle.

"again.. this is none of my business but I want you to open your eyes and see how much you're actually hurting the woman that raised you.. anyone can come back into your life begging for forgiveness but it doesn't mean they deserve it"

"just.. think about that shit before you go and take that woman into your life" I shrug getting up and walk towards the front door, "also you're lame for not sending at least a birthday text" I tell him and leave the house.

true to it, malik was at jaylin's doorstep the next day.

"hi mom" he says nervously making jaylin look over at me confused, I shrug tightening the robe around me, "I got you these and I wanted to say happy birthday, I know I'm a little late" he says handing her flowers.

"I just wanted to talk, can I come in?"

"this is still your home malik, come in" she says stepping aside, I take the flowers to out them in water for her.

"billie came over to my apartment yesterday and she talked to me" malik starts making my eyes widen, "Julia has been messaging me nonstop about meeting up, I don't even know how she got my number" he shrugs.

"but I'm not meeting up with her, I just wanted to let you know" he says nervously looking at her, a small smile breaks on jaylin's face, "she doesn't deserve it, you're the one that raised me and she can't come back to call herself my mother" he adds.

"and I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, what is going on here?" he says gesturing between us, "is none of my business but it's going to take me sometime to adjust since it's just weird" he says fake gagging making us chuckle.

"thank you" jaylin says eventually, "I appreciate your apology but I realized that I can't make decisions for you, you can go meet her and all, I just don't want her coming around and taking credit for things she didn't do" she says.

"i would like to meet her.. just maybe later down the line, im at the peak off my career right now, I don't want any distraction" he tells her, she smiles opening her arms for a hug.

I smile leaning again the counter as I eat my grapes, "I just can't call her my step mom, she stays billie" he says in a whisper in her ear making her laugh, I chuckle shaking my head.

"I don't want to be called your step mom anyways, please I'm way too young" I say flipping my hair, he chuckles stepping back.

"do you guys have plans today? I would like to make up for not seeing you on your birthday" he says directed to jaylin, she looks over at me and give him a nod.

"we do but only for later" she shrugs.

"great, breakfast on me?"

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