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after hours in my apartment with some friend, I was finally standing on jaylin's door step. I flatten up my skirt as I knock on the door and hold onto my bag, soon jaylin opens the door in her suit just like I asked.

"I got here as soon as I could" I say with a sorry smile, it's almost midnight and since mae, zoe and drew refused to leave, I had to leave them.

"come in" she smiles stepping aside, "I was actually doing some work, I didn't notice it was so late" she says taking my bag and leads us to her living room.

she packs her papers away before we go to her room, "c'mere" she says getting me on her lap, I wrap my arms around her neck, smiling softly. "I have work very early tomorrow morning but I'm sure I can spare a hour before I leave and blame it on traffic" she says gripping my hips.

"but right now, I kind of just want to pass out" she says with a sorry smile, I chuckle removing her tie, "that's okay, as long as you cuddle me and give me what I want tomorrow morning" I tell her while removing her coat.

"I will make sure to do that" she says as I unbutton her shirt still on her lap, I also push it off her body leaving her in a vest. I hop off her leg to remove her belt and unzip her pants.

"come on" I say making her lift her hips so I can slip the pants off, I remove her shoes too and put them aside. "there" I mutter standing up seeing she's all ready for bed in her briefs and vest.

"thank you, you would think you're the older one between us" she laughs collecting her things, "do you need someone to wear to bed?" I shake my head digging in my bag.

"nope, I came prepared with a whole lot of underwear and clothes" I grin stripping off my clothes to put on my nightgown, she goes ahead and does her night routine while I fix the bed.

"oh god" she groans laying on the bed making me laugh, "you're really old" I tease crawling on the bed, she kisses her teeth but pulls me in her arms either way.

"I've had a long day" she mutters, I cuddle into her neck with my hand rubbing her lower stomach, she cuddles into my hair while turning into her side a bit.

"what do you do for work anyways?" I ask her as I draw patterns on her stomach.

"take a wild guess" she says sleepy.

"geez, I don't know" I chuckle, "uhm, are you a pornstar?" I ask jokingly making her chuckle sleepy.

"no, I work for a security company or more like own a security company" she says rubbing my shoulder, I hum bringing myself closer to her.

"go to sleep" I tell her as I rub her stomach, she nods falling asleep within a matter of minutes. I scroll through my phone wrapped up in her arms until I decide to fall asleep too.

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