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"has she just been watching this and laying like this the whole time?" I pout looking at the baby laying on her stomach while sucking on the pacifier.

"yeah, for like an hour now, just watching this show. you will hear her laugh every now and then" claudia tells me making me pout.

"I don't want to disturb her but I want to hold her" I say sitting down but I keep my distance, "you can hold her, she fusses sometimes if she wants to be left alone"

jaylin met finneas and claudia today, she will be meeting my parents later. she briefly got to meet their daughter before finneas pulled her somewhere else.

"she's the cutest" I mutter laying back to let her lay on my chest, she continues to suck on the pacifier while giggling to the cartoons.

I look up seeing jaylin walking in with finneas, she takes a seat besides me and smiles watching the seven month baby giggle. "she's so precious" she says taking her hand in her finger.

"right" I agree watching the baby focus her attention to her hand, "do you want to hold her?" she nods making me hand her over and she holds the baby securely as she talks to the baby in whispers.

"stop that before I let you impregnate me right now" I laugh covering my face, "right now.. my thoughts are going wild too, I'm not going to lie because it's exactly what I'm thinking" she says.

"oh god, let me run" I get up to join claudia in the kitchen, "I swear I might just be pregnant if I stay in there any much longer" I groan making claudia laugh.

"billie" immediately know claudia means real talk when she calls me like that, "I knew you liked them older but girl.." I laugh covering my face.

"how did you know she was much older?" I know jaylin is much older but she definitely doesn't look like it, she's in amazing shape.

Claudia lifts up her license, "she dropped it on the couch" she says handing it back, "now how the fuck did you even meet her?"

"she might.. or might not be.. my ex's mom" I say making her jaw drop, "it's not biological, just sort of a guardian situation" I say with a nervous smile.

she scoffs, "damn bitch" she chuckles high five-ing me, "it's not even like that, I didn't do it as revenge, it just happened and now we're together" I shrug.

"I'm happy for you but listen.. she is much older, I don't want her pushing you into things you're not ready for. you're still very young" she says pointing at me with a look.

"I know and I promise you. every thing is moving at my pace between us" I tell her moving in for a hug, "and I appreciate you looking out for me but you know.. I kinda have fallen in love with her and I don't even think we're at that level" I say sitting on the kitchen island.

"let her know then" she shrugs, "I mean.. she's probably pretty serious about you, so it shouldn't affect you guys the way you think it will" she says getting us all drinks.

"you think?"

"yes" she nods giving me my drink and leaves, I go to follow but jaylin walks in holding the baby.

"hi" I grin getting on my tippy toes to kiss her. she wraps one arm around me and I wrap my arm around her waist while playing with the baby.

"you look good with babies, making me want to let you impregnate me" I joke making her laugh.


"mmh" I hum looking up at her, "I would like to have kids of our own one day maybe in my early thirties or late twenties" I shrugs, she stares down at me while rubbing my hip.

"I would like that too, a lot" she says with a small nod, i smile leaning against her chest and close my eyes as my hand rubs the babies back seeing she was falling asleep on her shoulder.

"I love you too by the way" she says making me be quick to turn and look at her, "I was about to come in when you were talking to claudia about it and I heard you. I love you too, a whole lot" she tells me making me blush.

"you do?"

"I do" I let out a small laugh in disbelief as I hide on her chest, she chuckles rubbing my back, "I also want you to stop stressing about these levels and come talk to me if you want to know where my head is at with things between us yeah?" I nod peaking up at her.

"I love you" I whisper out as she carefully crouches down to kiss me.

"I love you"

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