twenty four

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"mmh I love you" I tell jaylin as she rubs against my arm and her face in the back of my neck.

"I love you too baby" she mutters kissing my neck softly, I let out a sigh before turning over to face her making her open her eyes to look at me, she tighten her arms slightly while rubbing my sides.

"you're the best person I've been with, you know that?" I ask her as I rub my fingers along her face, she closes her eyes with a sigh while relaxing against me.

"i am?"

"you are" I nod wit a small smile, "i love you a lot" I whisper against her forehead and press a kiss making her chuckle a bit.

"I love you even more" she tells me asking for a kiss, "do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"

"im not sure, I kind of just want to cook for us and spend the night in together"

"okay, let's go cook then" she says patting my back, I roll over letting her get up and put on some clothes before she hands me some underwear and a shirt.

"come on" she presses a kiss on the top of my head and leads us out of the room to the kitchen, "what do you want to make?"

"your favorite" I grin opening the fridge to get the ingredients out, we set everything up and start chopping.

"so.." she starts putting a carrot in her mouth, "I've been meaning to ask but I don't want to scare you, just future talk" I nod glancing at her before going back to chopping.

"im listening"

"where would you like to live in a few years? I mean would you like a certain house with a certain style or.." she asks opening a bottle of nonalcoholic champagne.

"is this your way of asking if I would mind moving into this house with you?" I chuckle.

"basically but I also want you to have your dream house, so wherever that is" she says handing me a glass.

"that's cute" I pout, "but I don't have a dream house or anything and I wouldn't ask you to leave this house, this is where you raised malik, I don't want you to let go of it" I shrug.

"I wouldn't be letting it go if I gave it to him"

"that's sweet baby but honestly.. I don't care where I live, plus this is a very nice house" I say putting down my knife to turn on the stove.

"and you would move in with me when you're ready?"

"I basically live here already, when was the last time I was at my own apartment?" I laugh turning to her, she smiles leaned against the counter while looking at me.

"true" she shrugs pulling me closer, "move in with me then"

"of course I would move in with you" I smile, getting on my tippy toes to kiss her softly, "okay, come help me" I tell her pulling back.

she puts down her cup and comes over to help me, "do you eventually want to have another child?" I ask her making her look at me with a look.

"of course" she nods without hesitation, "not now though, you still have a lot of time before you have to have kids and be a house wife" she points at me.

I roll my eyes with a slight smile, "what if I wanted kids now?" I raise an eyebrow.

"that's great but I'm not going to do that, I know what it's like to have a child be a responsibility at a young age" she shrugs lowering the stove and put some oil on the pan.

"you think?"

"I know so" she nods giving me a kiss on the cheek, "trust me though.. I definitely want to have kids with you" she tells me as she comes around me to hug me from behind me.

"yeah but sperm production does begin decreasing after the age of 35" I point out.

"good thing I'm 33 then" she chuckles kissing my shoulder, "trust me.l we will have kids, why are you suddenly wanting kids this bad?"

I get my phone and show her my lock screen of her and Claudia's daughter together, it's such a cute picture.

"watching you be so gentle and loving with their baby makes me want to have our own" I tell her with a pout.

"we will and you will thank me for having you wait" she tells me kissing my forehead.

"but I want to be one of those young cool moms and you be the more strict one, so they come to me with all the secrets" I fantasize with a small laugh.

"that's cute, I would love to see you with a baby bump on your short self" she chuckles.

"I love that idea honestly but you do realize that we haven't even been dating for a year? better yet nine months" she points out.

"we haven't?" my eyebrows furrow, "we really haven't, damn" I mutter adding onions and peppers to the hot oil.

"but I trust you though, there's nobody else I would rather have kids with. you are just the perfect person for me, you just make sense to me" I tell her.

"and there's nobody else I'd want to have my kids" she tells me with her charming smile making my eyes widen with blush settling in, I look away making her chuckle lowly.

"seriously though, want you to have my kids but I also want you to leave your life first" she tells me turning my face to face her, "think about it and come back to me in about three or two months with an answer" she says leaning in closer to kiss me softly.

"mmh" I whimper turning to her and get on my tippy toes, "I love it when you do that" I mutter but she shuts me up with a kiss again.

"do what?"

"I don't know but I love it" I give her one last peck and pull back, "let's get this done" I tell her going back to the pots.

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