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"how about you key and trash his car while I go inside to get my things" I ask mae handing her the can of spray paint, she nods excitedly while I go and knock on the door.

my breath gets caught in my throat when his stepmom opens the door, her posture is much taller than me. it seems as if she had just gotten out of the shower with the wet hair, sport bra and a pair of sweatpants.

"hi, uhm- is malik home?" I ask trying to ignore the wetness pooling on my underwear, her posture is so strong and completely overshadows me making me want to drop on my knees.

"not at the moment but you can come in and wait" she says stepping aside, i clear my throat stepping in and remove my shoes, "I'm making something to eat, do you want some?" she asks but I can't get over the rasp of her voice.

"yeah sure" she nods leading us to the kitchen, I sit on the chair with my legs crossed hoping to stop what is happening in my underwear, bad time to be wearing such a small skirt.

"what brings you by?" she asks moving around, my eyes reck through her body until my eyes notice the print on her grey sweats making me pick my lip while crossing my legs.

"I uhm- I just need to talk to him and break things off" I say looking up at her to see her looking at me with a small smile, I look away playing with the end of my skirt.

"that's a shame" she shrugs moving on with her cooking, my eyes are glued to her print. I bite my lip to suppress a whimper feeling my underwear get absolutely drenched.

"what's bothering you billie?" she asks raising an eyebrow, I shake my lip holding onto the edge of the seat.

"I need to go to the bathroom" I tell her making her shake her head.

"don't. I'm flattered that I can get you worked up like that" she mutters handing me a plate of food.

I put my head down to hide my blush, "it's not- i just- you are-" I stutter and groan in frustration, she comes besides me making me stop pressing my legs so tightly together and part them.

"what's wrong?" she asks with her print brushing against my thigh feeling her twitch a bit, that alone made me whimper and she smiles lifting my head to meet her eyes.

"what's the matter billie?" she asks with her thumb pressing on my bottom lip and she pulls it down a bit, i whimper bringing myself closer to her hand, "god you're fucking sexy" she mutters pushing her thumb in my mouth.

I suck on her thumb softly as she eyes are glued to my mouth, she presses her print even harder against my thigh making me whisper as I move my thigh to try and replace it with my hand.

"ah ah" she says holding my hand before I can touch, she opens my mouth with her thumb in it, "you're a mess" she says when I show my tongue patiently waiting for her next move.

she tilts my head upwards to spit in my mouth making me moan while trying to grind on the chair, her hand slips down to my neck and my chest, down my stomach and up my skirt.

"you're wet" she mutters feeling over my underwear, "please" I ask moving my hips against her hand, her fingers slip into my underwear and she growls lowly feeling around my wetness before pushing one finger in me.

"kiss me" I beg holding her wrist of her hand slowly going in and out of me, she brushes our lips together before connecting them in a kiss making me whimper, her tongue dancing with mine.

"you're such a slut billie, wanting to fuck your boyfriend's mother" she says pulling her finger out to put it in her mouth and cleans it happily.

"he's not my boyfri-" I didn't get to finish the sentence before she picked me up and took me to the couch, she throws me down and rip off my underwear to hungrily eat me out.

a sharp gasp tore from my throat as I push her head back from my clit but she doesn't budge, instead she holds my hands in one hand over my stomach, all while not disconnecting her lips from my pussy.

"fuck" she mutters pulling away and licks her lips, she flips me over onto my stomach and lift my hips to continue running her tongue through my folds and in me.

"oh my-" I moan grinding on her face, she shakes her head before taking wrapping her lips around my clit to suck on it hard causing my legs to tremble and I try to move away from her.

she takes both my hands behind me back to hold them and other hand holding on my hip to keep me in place, "oh my god" I moan breathlessly feeling my orgasm approaching.

"please.." I've never been so horny in my life and my gawd does she know what she is doing.

my legs shake as my eyes roll back as I finally cum, she continues to drink it up until I push her away, she lets go of my hands to place them on my ass and squeezes.

"god billie, you're perfect" she says kissing my ass and up my back, "and taste really good too" she adds turning me over to kiss me, I wrap my arms around her neck to kiss her harder.

"can I touch you now?" I ask with my hand rubbing down her abs and her v-line, she smiles standing up in front of me, "go ahead" I bite my lip rubbing her through the sweats.

I kiss on her v-line as I push down her sweats and let out a small gasp at the sight, "oh my god" I mutter feeling my mouth water, I look up at her with my hand holding the base of the veiny, heavy, long and big cock.

I wrap my lips around the tip tasting her pre-cum, "don't be shy" she says pushing my hair behind my ear.

I giggle softly licking up and down her vein underneath before spitting on it, using both hands to jerk her off, "is this even going to fit?" I ask looking up at her.

"I don't know, we will have to see" she shrugs making me giggle, I kiss her from the base up and tease her slit with my tongue, she smiles at me before holding the back of my neck and pulls out.

"open your mouth for me and tongue out" I obey doing as told, she taps her tip on my tongue before slowly pushing it into my mouth and fucks against my cheek.

"this isn't going to fit in your mouth but.." she trials pulling away to push me back and lift my legs, she taps her dick against my pussy hearing the wet sounds.

she runs her tip through my folds and purposely bump my clit on the way making me moan, she brings her tip to my entrance before a knock on the front door cuts us off.

"fuck" she mutters laying her forehead on my stomach.

"that would be me, I need to go" I tell her, knowing that it's mae knocking.

"shit okay, come over tomorrow night" she says putting on her pants back on, she pushes my legs open to clean me up making my back arch off the couch.

she pulls away licking her lips and helps me up, I take my underwear and put it in her hands while giving her a kiss, "I'll be back tomorrow night" I say pulling away and walk out.

"bitch, what took you so-" she stops taking in my appearance and her mouth drops.

"you fucked him"

"no, I didn't" I roll my eyes, "he wasn't home" I shrug getting in my car and spray my perfume on me trying to get rid of the smell of me, "his mom was home though" I shrug.

mae stares in disbelief with her jaw on the floor, "bitch!" I laugh pulling out but not without taking a picture of the car that she keyed and spray painted.

the tires are slashed, the windows broken.

she did a good job.

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