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"it really isn't that deep" I shrug making mae chuckle, she nods in agreement as drew minds her own business while cuddling into zoe on the other couch.

"as long as she makes me her sugar baby, I get money and a fucked good" I shrug winking, that made mae choke on her drink, I chuckle eating my food.

a week after the whole thing with jaylin, I haven't seen her since but there has been some pictures, videos and messages shared that nobody should ever get to see.

I am happy.

malik had blown up my phone going from paragraphs of apologizing and begging to paragraphs of cussing me out when I responded by sending a picture of my neck full of hickeys and a kiss emoji.

according to jaylin, he has been pissy towards her and all.

please he can suck my dick.

jaylin says she doesn't care and that he will come around, she has no shame talking about how much she had always wanted me.

or when she accidentally walked into the bathroom while I was showering at her house, i didn't see her that day but apparently she saw me and that picture had been painted in her brain.

she also had no shame talking about how much she has blown her load at the thought of me.

my underwear was ruined beyond point the night of that conversation, she went ahead and talked to me through the orgasm and I sent her multiple pictures afterwards.

I truly do feel like I'm in heaven with her, someone who can keep up with my sex drive, even nastier than me at times.

she's a dream come true.

I let out a groan when someone knocks on my door, I remove the blanket off me and go answer the door, only to be met with jaylin standing in her suit and a bouquet in her hand.

"oh hi" I smile stepping out and close the door behind me, she smiles handing me the flowers, "hi, I just got off work and wanted to see you" she says making me smile with blush coming onto my face.

"they're so pretty, thank you" I smile looking up at her, I open my arms for a hug that she accepts leaning down to let me wrap my arms around her neck.

"I would let you in but my friends are in there" I tell her as I jump in her arms making her catch me, "you look really sexy in your suit" I say tucking the tie around her neck.

she smiles pressing me against the wall, "thank you baby" she mutters moving on of her hands to underneath my ass and her other under my chin, she leans forward to kiss me which I gladly welcome, opening my mouth.

she pushes her tongue in my mouth with her hand rubbing my chin, I let out a whimper tilting my head in the other direction with my hand holding onto the back of her neck as I arch into her trying to be closer.

she pulls away slightly when we run out of air to use her thumb pushing my lips, I stick out my tongue taking her thumb in my mouth while maintaining eye contact with her.

"fuck" she mutters pushing it back further but I take it and suck on it before she pulls it out to kiss me harder making me moan, her hand slips under my ass to squeeze it as I try and grind on her.

"you've become so dangerous to my underwear" i mutter against her lips pulling her into a kiss yet again, "I'm so wet already" I say pulling back, she groans lowly attaching her lips to my pulse on my neck.

"I know baby, you have such a strong smell" she says licking my neck, "it's so sexy" she adds facing me and kisses me one last time.

"come by my house tonight, whenever you're ready" she says giving my ass a squeeze and lets me down.

"I will" I nod wiping the corner of my mouth looking up at her, she presses her body against mine on the wall making me feel her bulge on her stomach due to the height difference.

"just don't make me wait too long" she adds tapping my chin.

"i wouldn't" I say slipping away from her and open the door, "and keep the suit on for me, it's a real turn on" I tell her with a wink making her smile, I shut the door while hugging my flowers.

"who was it?" mae asks making them all turn to me.

"no one" I shrug running to the bathroom.

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