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"baby, do you want something to drink?" I ask jaylin walking onto the deck where she was laying down.

"just water or juice, anything but alcohol" she says looking over at me, I nod getting her a bottle of water before joining her with our snacks.

"this is amazing, I don't know how I have never thought of boat ride dates" she says shaking her head, I chuckle sitting besides her.

boat rides during sunset with a chef cooking? I have outdone myself, if you ask me.

"it is pretty amazing huh?" I say handing her the water bottle, "you're enjoying yourself though?" I ask her as I feed her some fruit.

"I am, thank you princess" she smiles lifting me into her lap, "of course, it's about time I spoil you back" I tell her with a small shrug, "also.. I got you a gift" I say pulling it out.

"you have literally everything you want, so I didn't know what to get you but here" I say handing it over, she smiles seeing the brand on the velvet box.

I watch as she opens the box to see her new rolex, I didn't cover it in diamonds knowing how she's not about that lifestyle, it does have one strip of diamonds around the frame but that's about it.

"geez, this is so amazing billie" she mutters taking it out and looks at it closely, "holy shit, I love this" she says looking at me, I blush a bit and lean over to give her a kiss.

"this is perfect" she mutters looking at it, I laugh a bit watching her gently place it back and close the box, "I'm going to out this away, I'm not ready to lose this like kim's earring" she says putting me aside.

I laugh as she walks away to put it away and soon come back to her previous spot, "you're so sexy" I groan watching her get comfortable, she chuckles indicating for me to come closer to lay next to her.

"thank you" she utters kissing my forehead, I look around taking our surroundings and smile softly, "billie" I hum looking over at jaylin.

"be my girlfriend baby" she says making me grin, "be mine" she says pulling me closer making me giggle almost nervously, I wrap my arms around her as I hide in her neck.

"what do you say pretty girl? be my girlfriend?" she asks lifting my head, I nod trying to suppress a smile, "yeah?" she asks making me nomad again.

"let me hear you say it billie"

"yeah, I'll be your girlfriend"

"fuck yeah" she mutters connecting our lips.



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billieeilish yup

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