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I scrunch up my face trying to read the instructions on the box before letting out a huff putting it down, I will just order some take out, I give up.

jaylin should be back in an hour and I tried to make her dinner but I seem to only be failing, might as well order some food at this point.

my eyes widen as I hear the garage open and her car going in, I clean up the kitchen in panic before I go to the door to greet seeing she already bought food.

"hi" I grin opening the door, she chuckles walking in loses her bag and coat, "I made you some food but you already bought some" I pout making her lean over to kiss me.

"you did? shit I can find someone to give this food to" she says showing the bag, I laugh taking it to the kitchen and she follows behind me.

"I didn't but I did try though, I just burnt it.." I say, sheepishly smiling, she chuckles opening her arms for me to hug her as she was sitting the chair.

"it's the thought that counts and the fact that you look so cute in my shirt" she says tucking the button up I was wearing, I wrap my arms around her neck to hug her as she rubs my back and down my ass.

"how was your day?" I ask her swaying us side to side softly, she sighs on my neck wrapping her arms around the small of my back.

"it was full of meetings and now I'm tired, I don't even want to talk anymore due to how much talking I've done today" she says making me nod, "how was your day?" I laugh lowly pulling back to run my hand through her hair.

"it was okay, all I did was sleep and snoop around your house" she chuckles staying in my arms for a bit before pulling away, I go around the counter to open the food and hand it to her.

"come sit here" she says patting the counter in front of her, I hop on the counter and sit on it as we eat with her sitting between my legs.

"what do you usually do after work?" I ask her as I steal some of her food.

"nothing much, depends on the day. on long days like today, I'd usually go to a small coffee shop after I've got home to change and sit there for hours with the old lady that works there or we would read book together" she shrugs making me pout.

"that's so cute" I mutter, she chuckles while loosing her tie and leave it around her neck, "and how did you get to have a security company?" I ask, I'm trying to know her better.

"I worked for the owner before he died, we were close and he was like a father to me. his wife is the owner of the coffee shop" she says making me nod as I put my food down to drink water.

"and he left everything to me" she adds with a shrug.

"okay owner" I tease getting off the counter to her lap, "you should make me your sugar baby, what's the need to work when you are sleeping with a business woman" I say with a smirk making her laugh loudly.

"a sugar baby?" she asks with a laugh.

"hell yeah" I giggle, "a pretty girl you give your money to and someone you get to fuck is just a bonus" i grin.

"you're serious?" she asks with a chuckle, I nod wrapping my arms around her neck, "dead serious" I say with a grin.

"the term sugar is so sad though, making me sound like a pathetic old and lonely person, who is into younger girls to make me look good" she cringes making me laugh.

"are you not?" I raise an eyebrow making her smack my ass and it echoes in the kitchen and me jump a bit since it stung.

"no, I am NOT that old now. I'm old enough to be a girlfriend who simply gives you money" she says with a pointed look making me laugh.

"okay" I mutter peeking her lips, "although I was excited to call myself a sugar baby" I pout, she kisses me again softly before pulling away.

"you'll live, just know the minute you call me your sugar mama or sugar daddy, you're off my pockets" she says pointing at me, I grin nodding.

she smiles with a small nod while leaning into kiss me again, "now eat up" she says giving me my food.

how old do you think jaylin is?

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