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"Mrs Jackson, I'm so sorry. I know you said no interruptions but I trie-" my assistant apologize on the phone but before she can finish billie budges into my office making me chuckle.

"it's okay melissa, she's an exception" I say on the phone watching billie give me an innocent smile, I put down the phone giving her my attention.

"god I hate your bitchy assistant" she says rolling her eyes while walking to me, I take this time to look at her outfit or underwear? her skirt is almost the size of a belt and the strings of her underwear sit on her hips.

"she was just doing her job" I say glancing at her boobs, she wore a small white crop top and her boobs sat perfectly on top and bounced when she walked.

"yeah yeah, whatever" she rolls her eyes coming around my desk, "I just wanted to show you my new shoes" she grins showing me her platform heels in black.

"when did you get those?" I ask rolling chair back for her to sit in my lap.

"like an hour ago" she shrugs wrapping her arms around my neck.

"they're pretty" I tell her putting my arm around her waist, "you look sexy" I tell her taking one last look at her outfit.

"thank you" she says pecking my lips, "honestly though, your assistant ain't shit" she says shaking her head and opens the brown bag she brought.

"I bought you some food" she says handing me some food.

"thank you" I kiss her cheek opening the container of sushi, "god this is my favorite thing in the world" I say as I eat a piece.

"I'm offended" billie pouts, "the way you were eating my pussy last night, I thought I was your favorite meal" she says moving my papers aside neatly and sit on the table.

"you are" I chuckle, "sushi is my favorite thing after you" I say rubbing her thigh, she laughs eating some food too.

"I got my nails done and my toes" she says showing me her hand and gives me her foot to untie the shoe to see her toes.

"so pretty" I mutter staring at her nails on her hand and I notice the brand on her shoe.

"prada" I raise an eyebrow looking at her, she refuses to look at me as she turns the other way, I laugh putting it back on and eat my food.

"I should really start checking my account with you" I say opening my computer to fill in my details and check her last spending and check for one from Prada.

"oh that's not so bad" I mutter looking at the amount spent, "what is this?" I ask pointing at the online order.

"a sex machine"

I turn to billie with a raised eyebrow making her shrug, "I've been wanting to try anal but your dick is too big, it will literally make my hole into one so no, thank you" she says shaking her head.

I chuckle kissing the back of her hand, "as long as I can watch" I tell her making me nod.

"you know you're more than welcome too" she says leaning in to kiss me, "plus I'm keeping this at your place, my friends are too nosy" she giggles.

I pick her off the table onto my lap and wrap my arms around her, "so sexy" I mutter kissing her neck innocently.

"mmh thank you"

billie requires someone who will spoil the living shit out of her, she wants word of affirmation, she wants someone who can handle her bratty attitude and attend to it.

and I'm more than happy to do so.

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