twenty one

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I thought I was done with this book
but maybe five more chapters than I'm done.
and a better epilogue chapter 💀

I roll my eyes as I slam the door shut and go to my room to start removing my makeup, jaylin eventually comes in after me and removes her tie and come to attend me while she unbuttons her shirt.

"billie" I glare at her making her smile softly, baby, come here" she takes my hand making me stand.

"why are you mad? I thought we were having a good time tonight, what's wrong?" she asks trying to make eye contact and I give it to her.

"we were until you were flirting with another girl" I say rolling my eyes.

"i wasn't flirting with her, I promise you" she says pulling me closer by my hips, "I would never do that to you" she says directing my eyes to her.

"but she was flirting with you and I go to the bathroom, only to find her in my seat like she's on a date with you" I mutter with a pout.

"I know princess, I'm sorry" she mutters back, I look down at my seat refusing to look at her any longer, "you know I've never been one for cheating and I definitely won't start now" she tells me.

"you're so much more than her and that's not something I want to throw away, it's not worth it, she's not worth it" she adds making me nod slowly.

"come on" she mutters pulling me into a hug, "I love you and I want to marry you baby" she tells me as she runs her hair through the ends of my hair.

I wrap my arms around her and push my face into her chest as she hugs me tightly, "I love you too" I tell her as I take in her cologne.

"I'm sorry I ruined our date by stomping out and creating a scene" I say peaking up at her.

"it was ruined as soon as she came around, not your fault baby" she says kissing the top of my head, "we can have many more date nights in the future" she tells me stepping back.

"okay" I mutter, "kiss me please" I ask her making her smile as she leans down to connect our lips, she pulls me back in by my waist making me go up on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around her neck.

the kiss is sensitive, it's much deeper than I exacted.

my hand cups her cheek as I turn my head to deepen it, our lips moving smoothly against each others. eventually we slowly pull away with one last kiss making me smile.

"you're so cute" she mutters seeing me grinning.

"shut up" I laugh nervously as I continue unbuttoning her shirt, "she reaches behind me to slowly zip down my dress before making me step out of it and she throws it aside.

"get in bed for me, we're going to watch movies and get fat tonight" she says making me laugh, I remove my bra before kissing her cheek and get on the bed.

I watch her undress to her undergarments before leaving the room to come back with food, "put on a movie" she says dimming the lights and get in bed.

I click on a random movie that looked interesting before moving closer to cuddle her, she runs her hand through my hair as she focuses on the movie.

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