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"malik, I get that you're not happy with me right now but I raised you. not her" I tell him over the phone.

"she is still my mom"

"yes and no. she will always be your mom since she birth you but she didn't raise you, she abandoned you" I say rubbing my face.

"and she wants to make up for it"

"at your old age. she had a child and left, only to come back and say she wants to be your mother only because you're grown now and she won't need to take care of you but that's not what parenting is about malik. you parent when you don't even want to, you don't get to pick and choose. I just don't want all my hard work gone to waste. I spent my teenage years raising you" I tell him.

"now you can go ahead and talk to her because I know you're not going to listen to me right now but just now.. she doesn't deserve it" I say and hang up.

I rub my face letting out a sigh as billie wraps her arms around me from behind and lay her head on my shoulder.

"can I tell you something?" billie asks making me nod while taking her into my lap, "I get why he wants to give her a chance, we all will always have a small soft spot for a woman, who birthed us"

"do I think he should go ahead and give her a chance? no. but he will come to that conclusion on his own soon" she says rubbing her thumb along my jaw, "you did a good job raising your son and he will thank you one day" she tells me kissing my jaw and up my cheek before kissing my lips.

"I didn't do such a great job since he doesn't know how to treat girls" I roll my eyes.

"you did. he just decided to take his own way, which is shit. but if he took from you, he would be amazing. you treat me really good" she says putting our foreheads together.

"now stop stressing, it's your birthday and you need to enjoy it" she smile putting her nose against mine, I chuckle leaning in to kiss her softly.

"what are you planning on doing today?" I ask her, deciding to change the subject.

"I was thinking of visiting my parents and my brother, maybe even tell them about a potential relationship I might be in" she grins making me smile.

"yeah?" she nods closing the gap between us to kiss me.

"let me know if you want me to come by tonight" she says putting our foreheads together.

"probably not. I might be out late and I know the plans will involve alcohol one way or another" I shrug.

"which is exactly why I should come by to take care of you but also.. please don't get too wasted. I want you to enjoy your birthday but I don't want you to be so far off your mind that you're throwing up everywhere and shit" she says pulling back to look at me.

"got it" I nod making her smile.


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