twenty two

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I let out a small giggle feeling jaylin's hands run up the back of my thighs into the oversized shirt I was wearing, "mmh" I hum into the kiss.

she pushes me into the counter as she squeezes my ass underneath the shirt, she pulls me closer making me draw in a breath feeling hot suddenly.

"you're so sexy" she whispers against my ear and kisses it after, I let out a whimper when she kisses my already bruised sweet spot from last night.

her hand comes up to pinch my nipples through the shirt making me breath out heavily, "woah" malik's voice breaks us up making jay groan in frustration.

"what are you doing here?" she ask turning to him yet keeps me behind her.

"I was here to have breakfast with you but i didn't know billie would be over" he says, I wrap my hands around jay's waist and put my hands in her pants making gag while turning away.

"billie is always over and.. I know I said this is your home but you're going to need to announce when you're coming over. I'd love to still chase my girlfriend naked" she says with a shrug, I chuckle while giving her a small squeeze around the base of her dick.

"ew ew" he gags making me laugh, I take out my hands and step out from behind her, I give her a kiss on the cheek before greeting malik, "I'm going to take a shower, join me?" I ask jaylin.

"if you excuse me, I'm going to go and fuck your stepmom" she says joking
to malik and moves past him.

"nope, I actually wanted to talk to you" he say's making her huff, "go enjoy your shower for us" she says to me with a pout, I chuckle and continue my walk to the bathroom.

"baby" jaylin calls out coming back after I had showered, "you don't have any plans today do you?"


"well get dressed because we're going to have breakfast with Julia" she says walking in further.

"julia as in your baby mama?" I raise an eyebrow.

"yes but also.. not my baby mama" she says pointing a finger at me, "but apparently she got hold of malik somehow and she wants to meet up or we're taking shit to court" she tells me going through her wardrobe.

"then why don't you take it to court?"

"we are" she shrugs, "but malik convinced me into meeting up with her and talking like adults or whatever the fuck" she mutters her words towards the end.

"okay.." I trial off getting something to wear.

"please, I'm not going to be friends with the girl who was drooling all over you jay" I roll my eyes.

"Im just saying.. she's here and you might get bored" she shrugs making me squint my eyes at her.

"I don't care, I'm not making friends with her"

"okay, I'm not going to force you" she says giving my ass a squeeze where her hand rested, "thank you" I mutter putting my hands around her neck.

"you look beautiful by the way, I don't think I've told you" she says using both her hands to hold me close.

"you did and thank you" I blush leaning up to kiss her, she pushes me up by my ass a bit for a boost making me giggle against her lips.

"I wish I could take you home right now" she mutters kissing my cheek, I smile as she snuzzles her face on my neck.

"it's just breakfast and we both don't have plans for today, we'll be out of here soon" I remind her as I play with the small hairs behind her neck.

"I can't wait" she mutters sinking her teeth into my sweet spot making me gasp a little and close my eyes, her hands squeeze my ass as she gives me a hickey.

"ew ew" I let out a sigh coming back to my senses about being in public, "can you guys stop, this is still weird and I do not want to see you have sex" malik tells us as we pull away.

"you disturbed us before we could fuck this morning, so shut up" I give him a smile, he chuckles a bit while taking his girlfriend's hand and we walk into the restaurant.

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