Toddler In The Park

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Ibukis pov (aged seven)

I woke up to the smell of mommys pancakes- wait pancakes!

I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to find mommy in the kitchen flipping pancakes. She flashed me a bright smile.

"hello my little princess" she scooped me up a kissed me all over. I giggled and wrapped my arms around her.

"mommy are those pancakes?" I asked.

"they sure are sweetie" she kissed my forehead "now come on honey. Eat up before they get cold"

I nodded before happily gobbling them up. Mommys such a good cook. I'm so lucky to have her-

"what the hell are you doing here?"

My head shot up at the sound of mommy yelling.

"I have the right to see my daughter don't I?"

"the court put a restraining order on you. If you don't leave then I'll be forced to call the police"

I felt tears weld up in my eyes. I hate it when they fight.

"you a selfish bitch"

"you see it that temper of yours that the reason I don't want you near her"

I ran through the back door. I needed to get away. To do something fun. Like go to the park.

I raced down to the nearby park. It was completely empty. I climb up the ladder and was about to slide down when-


I jumped at the sudden yelp. I peaked below the slide to find a small boy with purple hair and big purple hair. My eyes lit up. He's so cute.

"hi there little guy" I jumped down the slide and crouched down to his level "what are you doing here all alone?" he's so little. He shouldn't be here without a mommy or daddy.

"mmm I'm waiting for my mommy to come back" he muttered. I noticed he was shivering alot. I felt worried for him.

"how long have you been out here" I asked.

"mmm since last night" he mumbled softly.

"since last night!" I yelped making him jump "you must be so cold"

"y-yeah" he sneezed.

"poor baby. Your catching a cold" I wrapped my coat around him "come on. I'll take you home to warm up"

"but what if my mommy can't find him" his eyes grew fearful.

"it's ok. We'll look for your mommy later" I said reassuringly "now come on. Let's get you out of the cold"

"mmm" he hesitanted before taking my hand "thank you miss. My names kokichi by the way"

"nice to meet you kokichi" I flashed him a big smile as I scooped the tiny boy into my arms "my name is ibuki Mioda!"

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