Breakfast Together

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Kokichis pov

A Killing Game. We were trapped in a killing game!

That bear took delight in telling us that. Monokuma he calls himself. I call him a monster. Especially after what he said to keade.

"usually one's so brave and just are the first one's to crack under pressure. I can't wait to see you pushed to doing the unthinkable!"

He said all that while laughing. It pissed me off. How dare he assume keades capable of murder. There's no one in this world kinder then her. She would never-

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door "umm kokichi" it was shuichi "will you please join us for breakfast? Keade and kiibo are already down there"

Poor keade. She must be feeling terrible after that stupid maze thing. She was so determined but not everyone shared her determination. It ended with a big fight and everyone going their separate ways.

"ok I'm coming" I ran up to the door and opened it. Shuichis eyes were glued to the floor. I guess he's not good with people other than keade. Well I'm sure I can get him to warm up to me!

"let's go buddy!" I gave him a thumbs up.

"r-right" he nodded nervously.

We headed down to the dining hall. Before we even walked in we could hear kaito yelling at everyone. We exchanged confused looks.

"you all owe keade an apology" kaito said firmly "she was trying to us escape but you all treated her like she was the bad guy!"

"what are you talking about" maki glared at him "she was far too pushy. I'm not apologising for putting foot down!"

"Well maybe you have to be pushy. Look at the situation we're in!" kaito yelled "we're never going to get out of here if we give up so easily!"

"easily? We were at that thing for hours!" rantaro yelled.

"please stop" keade said firmly "kaito it's ok we can just-"

"no keade!" kaito said firmly "you're far too nice to these people. Someone's gotta stand up to them"

"my god you're such a fucking simp!" miu yelled.

"a simp!" kaito yelped.

Suddenly a big fight broke out. Keade was staring at everyone with tears in her eyes. I can't take this anymore.

"enough!" I slammed my fist down "I think we can all agree that we could have handled the situation yesterday better but we were tired and frustrated so we snapped at each other. Let's try not to make a repeat of that today and move on"

The dinning hall fell silent. I guess my little speech worked.

"thank you" keade whispered gratefully.

"no problem" I smiled at her "what are friends for"

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