Back To The Park

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Ibukis pov

I took him by the hand as we walked down to the park. Kokichi looked up at me with those big eyes of his.

"ibuki why are we going back to the park?"

I smiled at him "ibuki found kokichi in the park so ibuki figures this is the perfect place to look for Kokichis mommy"

"wow that's super smart ibuki" Kokichis eyes lit up.

"hehe I know" I smiled at the praise "now let's get going"

We reached the park and looked around. We looked under the slide, behind the climbing frame and even on top of the swingset but there was nothing.

"mmm she isn't here" kokichi sighed as he swung sadly on the swing.

No this can't be it. I can't just leave kokichi sad like this! So I pressed the sides of my temples and thought reeeeally hard until it came to me.

"I got it!" I yelled, causing Kokichi to jump "we just gotta go deeper"

"deeper?" kokichi tilted his head in confusion.

I nodded firmly "there's a path down there that takes us to a different part of the park. Maybe your mommys down there"

"oh good idea ibuki" kokichi said as he took my hand "come on. Let's go find mommy!"

And so we wandered down the park hand and hand. I've never gone down here without mommy. She always says that it's super dangerous but for Kokichis sake I'm willing to take that ris-

My thoughts were cut off by Kokichis scream. I looked up to see a purple haired lady laying in a bush covered in some red stuff.

"mommy!" kokichi ripped his hand away from me and ran to the woman "wake up mommy. It's me kokichi!"

She wasn't moving. I started to shake. Why isn't she moving? Is she hurt?

"kokichi we need to get help for your mommy" I took his hand and ran to the nearby payphone.

*time skip*

"poor woman. Some sick basturd stabbed her in the middle of the park. With the state she's in her body must have been hidden away for weeks"

"I feel worse for the kid. Clearly his mom hid him away to protect him. It's tragic he won't have her in his life"

I listened to the ambulance men talk but I couldn't understand it. Why are they saying those things? What's wrong with Kokichis mommy?

Mommy came up and scooped us up in her arms "are you two ok? Are you hurt?"

"we're fine but Kokichis mommy-" I looked over at the women who was now covered in a white sheet.

She sighed "I'm sorry but- I'm afraid Kokichis mommy isn't coming back"

"mommy!" kokichi burst into tears. Mommy gently bounced him in her arms, saying things like 'it's ok darling' and 'we'll take care of you'

I made a silent promise to myself that I'd take care of my new baby brother.

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