Remnants Of Dispair

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Kokichis pov

"sayaka do you have to eat so much?" kazuichi whined as we sat down for breakfast "what about the rest of us!"

"now now kazuichi be nice. She's eating for two now" mom said as she rubbed sayakas cheek. She's become very protective of her since she found out she was pregnant. I guess it's just her mom instincts kicking in!

"I'm pretty sure that's not a real thing" kazuichi muttered while sayaka shot him a victory grin.

The mood was happy between us. Everyone was simply enjoying a meal among friends with a slight bit of banter. That however quickly changed when they walked in.

"ibuki!" me and mom shot up at the sight of her.

"gundam!" kazuichi whispered with tears in his eyes.

Standing in chains lead by several future Fondation members was the former class 78.

I ran up to them but I was quickly stopped by a future fondation member.

"don't come any closer" he warned me "these people are the dangerous remnants of dispair. They must be executed by tomorrow morning"

"executed?" I gasped "but sir that's my big sister!"

He looked at me pityfully "I'm sorry son but there's nothing we can do. This is what we have to do for the sake of humanity's survival" he patted me on the shoulder before leaving.

"this can't be how it ends" mom whispered.

"gundam!" kazuichi sobbed. Sayaka was kind enough to hug him.

Ibuki flashed me a conferting smile as she was taken away. I gritted my teeth. Dispite it all she's still the same ibuki. It can't end here..

I won't let it!

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