Losing My Band

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Ibukis pov

I hugged my knees as tears filled my eyes. Moments ago me and my friends got into a fight which caused the band to spilt up. I suppose friends is the wrong word though. The only thing we had in common is our love for music. Now I'm all alone.

"ibuki?" I looked up to see my adorable brother Kokichis worried face "sissy what's wrong? You look so sad!"

Crap I can't make him worry about me. That's not what a good big sister would do! So I forced my biggest smile and said "ibukis perfectly fine. Little Kokichi should not worry at all!"

"ibuki don't lie to me" kokichi folded his arms "I can tell when you're lying to me sissy so just tell me the truth!"

I sighed. Kokichis so smart for a little kid. There's no getting past him!

"alright then. Ibuki will tell you everything... "

*time skip*

"I see" kokichi nodded as I finished my explanation "it seems like you just had a creative difference. It happens to lots of bands so you shouldn't worry"

"it's not just that" I muttered as I hugged my knees tightly "I don't have friends outside of the band. Now that the bands gone I'm worried that I'll be all alone"

"whaa- that's crazy talk!" kokichi threw his arms up "you've got me and mama after all. Besides I've heard you sing and you're amazing. I bet if you become a solo artist you'll become really famous and make a bajillion friends!"

"you're right" I wiped the tears from my eyes "I'm ibuki Mioda and ibuki doesn't give up without a fight!" I pulled him into a hug "thank you for reminding ibuki of who she is. You're a good little brother"

"no problem" he hugged me back "Anything for my awesome big sis!"

I lay my head against his shoulder, breathing a sigh of relief out my nose. I guess I'm not alone after all.

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