Stopping Keade

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Kokichis pov

I walked through the hallway with an annoyed expression on my face. Man that song is really grinding my gears. It's putting me in the mood to strangle something. Maybe that's the point of it.

I just so happened to peak into the classroom at that moment. I never expected to see keade there much less with a shot put ball in her hands!

"keade? What are you doing" I asked fearfully. There's no way. She can't be doing what I think she's doing..

She looked at me startled. She didn't say anything. She just stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

"keade please answer me-"

"don't try and stop me" she cut me off in a panicked tone "please just trust me. I'm trying to save everyone"

"how by killing someone? How's that supposed to help!" I yelled.

"I'm not just killing anyone. I'm killing the mastermind" she said firmly.

"the mastermind?" I looked at her confused. How does she know who the mastermind is?

"shuichi found a secret passageway only the mastermind could go through" keade explained "which means that whoever gose through that door is the mastermind. I'm aiming for that person!"

"but what if you make a mistake" I grabbed her by the shoulders "please keade it's too risky. I can't lose someone I care about. Not again!" I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"kokichi" she muttered softly as she slowly lowered her hands.

At that point shuichi came running through the door "hey guys I- hey what's with the shot put ball?"

Before we could answer him that announcement went off..

"a body has been discovered!"

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