Hopes Peak

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Ibukis pov

I looked up at the building which for the next two to three years would be my place of learning.

"wow it sure is big" I gasped.

"that's what she said" I turned around to see a boy with pink hair and a jumpsuit "hi I'm kazuichi souda. Nice to meet ya!"

Well that's an interesting way to introduce yourself! "I'm i-bu-ki mio-da! Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!" I twirled around and finished with jazz hands.

"hmm with an intro like that you must be a performer" kazuichi grinned.

"nice of you to notice new best friend" I grinned "that's right I'm the ultimate guitarist"

"cool I'm the ultimate Machanic" he held his hand out "it's nice to have a friend in this new school"

"right back at you friend!" I shook his hand with a grin "now let's get moving. We don't want to be late"

*time skip*

I ran down the hallway with kazuichis hand in mine. I'm glad we met outside. It make going into a strange new world a little less scary. I feel like I could take on the world!

"hello new friends" I yelled as I kicked down the classroom door "ibuki mioda wants to say hello!"

"ibuki what are you doing!" kazuichi yelped "they're all going to think we're weird-"

But to our surprise no one looked up. They were all too busy either cooking, summoning demons or benchpressing a entire desk!

"wow they're pretty weird" kazuichi muttered.

"yeah they are... I love them already!" I gushed.

"I feel a little overwhelmed" kazuichi gripped his chest nervously.

"oh don't worry kazzy" I gave him a reassuring smile "sure it's a little scary meeting new people but I promise it will be better after a while. Now come on let's pick a seat" I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to an empty desk.

We faced the front of the class with newfound confidence. Look out it's ibuki time!

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