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The Train Ride

There are many people who are feared in the wizarding world whether that be for their power or their ability to strike fear in the hearts of the people who dare oppose them. Severus Snape was one of those people. He was still in his early thirties but though he was young he was still known throughout the world. Severus Snape feared potions master of Hogwarts what wasn't really known about him was about his daughter Nora Snape. The details of that night were foggy to Severus even now. All that Severus knew was that little door had been left upon his doorstep at Spinner End one night with a note to take care of her. Not even including her name. Severus never found out the name of the woman he slept with that one night all that he was his daughter. He had given her the middle name of the woman that he had loved but let slip away. From then on he raised Nora not telling everyone about her instead keeping her only known to Hogwarts staff and the few people he could trust. This would remain the case at least until Nora's thirteen birthday. Snape had been getting pleas from his daughter to allow her to attend Hogwarts. While she had gotten the letter when she was eleven Snape had declined as he was worried about his daughter's own safety what with the trouble that Harry Potter seemed to bring with him. Including and not limited to Quirinus Quirrell hosting Voldemort in his first year and the opening of the chamber of secrets in his second year. Yet after constant pleas and promises from the staff that she would be safe Severus Snape finally relented and it was decided that from her third year onward Nora would attend Hogwarts and this is where our story begins.

Getting on the train was easy enough with Snape leaving a note on what to do. Yet Nora found herself wondering the train trying to find a seat when she stumbled upon a nearly full compartment that had a girl with brown hair and curls at the end, two boys one with hair as red as the autumn leaves, the other hair muddy brown, wearing round glasses, and what looked to be another man sitting beside the muddy brown hair boy. His face was covered in what looked to be a fur brown coat. "Hey, I was wondering if I could squeeze in with you all seeing as every other compartment is full," Nora asked her luggage in hand.

  "Well, that is if you can manage to fit yourself into this space which I don't know how that would be bloody possible," the red-haired boy said. Nora observed the compartment trying to figure out the best way to fit into it. She grabbed the basket that was in between the brown-haired girl and red-haired boy and sat it down on the floor. "Hey can you lift up your feet," she asked looking in the muddy brown boy's direction.

  "Wait, Crookshanks is in there," the brown-haired girl cried.

  "And Crookshanks is whom," Nora asked?

  "He is just her bloody cat that she insisted on bringing with us," the red-haired boy answered.

  "Says you Ronald besides don't you bring that rat with you every year?"

  "Scabbers is far better than your cat at least he can fit into my pocket"

  "Yes well," the brown-haired girl was about to say before Nora said something not wanting to have to stand while the other fought.

  "We have two choices we ensure that we don't put too much pressure on the cage, or I can hold the cage personally once I get in seeing as I am barging on you all," Nora offered. This seemed to please everyone as soon as Nora put her luggage on top she took a seat between the red-haired boy and brown-haired girl as she took the cage. "My name is Nora and now that is out of the way might I ask you all your names seeing as we are going to be stuck with each other for a while"

  "My name is Hermione Granger, on your right side is Ronald and in front of you," Hermione started the moment that Nora saw a clear look at the muddy brown-haired boy she saw the scar that was on his head. It was at that moment that Nora felt a little dumb-struck about not realizing who the muddy brown-haired boy was sooner.

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