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The Dreaded Breakfast and Developments

If Nora was to say she was not less than looking forward to breakfast that wouldn't be wrong. As she and Draco walked side by side Nora's breath got faster and faster from nerves. "Maybe Harry right Draco maybe this was a bad idea," she said looking in Draco's direction.

"I'm afraid you are too late shortie it'll be fine I promise," Draco said in a warm voice as he took Nora's hand and squeezed it.

"And if it isn't what do we do then Draco?"

"We'll figure it out when it comes for now try and stay calm," Draco said as he gave a reassuring squeeze to Nora's hand.

"How are you so calm about this?"

"It's the same old for me you know at lass the life of being Lucius Malfoy's son"

"Ah yes I almost forgot since you haven't mentioned it in the past five minutes," Nora joked as Draco lightly elbowed her.

"Must you?"

"Always," Nora said as she took a deep breath as she and Draco walked to where Snape and Lucius was sitting.



"Yes come here you two and I see you brought people with you as I requested," Lucius said. Nora and Draco made their way to the high table.

"Where are the other teachers," Nora asked seeing as the table for the most part was empty.

"I said if they would leave here I would watch over breakfast personally and several study halls in exchange," Snape said as he pulled out his wand. "Accio bench," Snape said as he motioned for Nora and Draco to take a seat on the bench. At that moment Harry and Hermione appeared.

"I see we have more company, Miss. Granger and Mr. Potter. So these are the people you have chosen to accompany yourself with Draco," Lucius said. Draco seemed nervous to respond so with a reassuring squeeze Nora spoke up.

"Yes Uncle they are our guests"

"I see and I do respect your.... guests. Come," Lucius said as Hermione took a seat next to Nora and Harry next to Draco. As the six of them sat in silence until Lucius spoke up. "Nora may I ask why you choose to be in the company with Mr. Potter and Miss. Granger?"

"They are far better than the company of Slytherins"

"I see and yet you dragged my son with you I see"

"Well Ummm," Nora started as Draco could see as he gave a squeeze to Nora's hand.

"I choose to father"

"Draco you can't tell me that you choose to be in the company of these people without persuasion?"

"Well I did father and I would appreciate it if you didn't hackle Nora"

"I'm not Draco it's just the company you choose is unusual. Did something happen to your Slytherin friends what were their names again?"

"Crab and Goyle," Hermione chimed in.

"Yes, those were their names thank you, Miss. Granger. As I was saying did something happen to them?"

"No father," Draco said as he seemed to shut down a little.

"I see then again might I ask why you choose to be in the company with people such as this rather than your own?"

Nora could see how Draco was being so Nora squeezed Draco's hand. "Because the company of our own seem to be rather scared of me due to who my dad happens to be," Nora said looking towards Snape with a pleading look for help. Snape seemed to take mercy on her.

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