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Care For Magical Creature Class

A/N: Characters will be ooc due to plot up until the end of their character arc. So, I don't want to hear "you didn't tell us this" because now I have. I will also warn you all it won't be a word for word of the movie mostly because I am not in the mood to write every word they say so some events/words will be summed up while some might be changed. Keep this in mind as you read.

Throughout the entirety of the next day no class particularly interested Nora. Every class that wasn't Care of Magical Creatures was filled with students who wanted nothing to do with her. Except for Draco, but to Nora, Draco didn't count as a person just an ass. It didn't help that most people stayed away from her because of who her father is, this was a pattern that continued until finally, it was time for Care of Magical Creatures. Once the bells signaled the end of her previous period she raced with books in hand as she tried to find Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Once she did find them, they all waved over to her. As the three set off to Care of Magical Creatures class which was being held near Hagrid's hut— making their way towards it they caught Nora up on the day, including what had happened during their first Divination class earlier. Divination was a subject that Snape had banned Nora from taking, something Nora had no problem with. Once she heard what had happened with Harry and the dead leaf, she let out a small laugh. Once she did Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looked her way with curious looks on their faces. 

"I have heard that she does that Harry, and I don't think you should take it too seriously"

  "Yes, he should I mean for all we know that grim thing could have something to do with Sirius Black," Ron muttered as the four of them went down the stairs passed the runes towards Hagrid's hut.

  "Oh, honestly, Ron! If you ask me, Divination's a very wooly discipline." Hermione stated.

   "Yeah, dad made sure I wasn't taking that, he called it a crack of a class and didn't want me wasting time in it." Nora chuckled.

  "Exactly Nora, now Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject."

  "Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron asked.

  "A fair few."

"Hang on. That's not possible," Ron said before coming to a stop and waiting for the rest to catch up before continuing. "Ancient Runes is at the same time as Divination. You have to be in two classes at once!" Ron exclaimed, that's when Nora remembered something she had read. 

  "He's right, Hermione, unless you are using a time turner then it shouldn't be possible."

  "Time Turner? What's that?" Ron asked.

  "A time turner—from what I've heard— lets you go back in time but," Nora explained in laymen's terms. "Only the ministry of magic has them so it would be next to impossible for one to get, unless you want to break in to retrieve one. "

  "Seriously don't be silly Ronald and Nora time turner what a silly notion," Hermione said as she then changed the subject and made fun of Divination. The four of them laughed as they made their way down as soon as they did Hagrid made them all come to his hut.

  "I got a real treat for you today, a great lesson. So, follow me." He proclaimed as all of the students including Nora, Ron, Hermione, and Harry followed in large groups. Hagrid led them into the forest and once he stopped, he told everyone to stop chattering and to form a group over behind a stone fence. "Open your books t' page 49."

  "Exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked looking at the monstrous book with disgust.

  "Well, just stroke the spine o' course!" Hagrid said as if it was the easiest thing in the world, of course he was speaking from experience. As if it didn't take long to figure out how to tame it rather then it taking the nearly hour for Nora to tame it when she first got it. That as long as they followed what he instructed it was as easy as that. As it turns out after Hagrid had told them what to do almost everyone seemed to get everyone except for Neville Longbottom, who was preoccupied with his book trying to eat him.

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