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Choices and the Past

A/N: The film above while Fan made is something that will be useful in this also further proving who Harry's dad was. I won't recap it in this fanfic just mention it and give a brief idea to what happened. If you want to full story watch the film for yourself.

It didn't take long for the students of Hogwarts to find out Nora Snape and Draco Malfoy were an item. There were some people who were more dismayed at this than others. Through it mostly had to do with the number of Slytherin girls who happened to like Nora. For the past month, Nora was beginning to wonder if she would have to duel every single one of them. Each day girls would come up and see if the rumors were true. Some were more peaceful the others. Some were understanding that Draco was no longer single they would back off. But there were some that were harder to back off. Some would try and sneak potions into Draco's food/drink had Nora not caught one Draco might have taken one. After that accident, Nora had Snape test the drinks to make sure they weren't filled with potions. As for the accident with Harry after a couple of weeks of tension and after much convincing from Nora. Draco and Harry came to a mutual understanding. This lasted even until it was finally time for the first Hogsmeade.

Professor McGonagall had a meeting with all of the students from each house in the courtyard. As some held their forms in hand. "Now remember these visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, your privilege to Hogsmeade will be resent," she said. Harry went up to her and pretended to act like he had this great desire to go. As Nora had expected Professor McGonagall had turned him down. Just as the group with signed slips were about to leave she walked over to Nora who was right next to Draco. His arm wrapped around her shoulder. Hermione was on her other side and just handed Professor McGonagall her slip and was about to leave when Professor McGonagall spoke.

"Miss. Snape I am afraid you can't go," Professor McGonagall started to say.

"Let me guess because dad said no didn't he? After what happened with the Black break-in and me getting hurt"

"Yes but I am afraid that isn't all. Severus not only said no to this visit but also to every other Hogsemede visits this year," Professor McGonagall said. This caused Nora to stop.

"Wait what?! I can't go at all?!"

"Yes at least for this year not until you get Severus' permission. As for you Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Granger seeing as you both can go why aren't you with the rest of the group?"

"If Nora can't go I am not going I am after all her boyfriend," Draco said as Nora had expected.

"Yes, I have heard what about that. Now Miss. Granger care to tell me why you aren't going?"

"If Harry and Nora aren't going I am not going either," Hermione said.

"Miss. Granger as much as I appreciate your dedication you can't miss out on this just because Mr. Potter and Miss. Snape can't go. They will have plenty of Hogsmeade to attend and when they do they will expect you to show them the ropes. Same for you Mr. Malfoy you can't skip out just because your girlfriend is. So one of you will go to Hogsmede and you only have a few moments to decide amongst yourselves on who is going," Professor McGonagall said before leaving. As the group talked amongst itself.

"I am not leaving Nora not after what Potter tried to pull last week," Draco stated.

"Yes but for our plan, it might look suspicious if you were to come," Nora responded.

"No more suspicious than if Granger were to come. Besides it would only make sense if I were to come after all my girlfriend did nearly risk her life for Potter's sake same for me"

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