✩ 19✩

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Hogsmeade and Bullying

Once Nora and Harry went through the passage that Fred and George had recommended. They climbed up the stairs Nora offering to see if there was anyone as she tapped her wand against the concrete before saying a spell that would cause it to open. Once she opened it she looked left then right and when she saw no one she motioned Harry to come up with the cloak as the two dropped it around themselves again. Once they did the two went up and opened the now loose concrete. Nora used Lumo to light up the cloak so they could open the loose concrete. The moment they stepped out of the passage and headed towards a more crowded area Nora was able to see sweets everywhere far more than she thought she would ever see in her entire lifetime. Yet here they were in Honeydukes and as they continued to walk Nora looked around in awe of everything. Each of the sweets looked better than the next. Nora marked this as a place she would visit once she could. When Nora looked at Harry he seemed just as in awe as she was as the two stood there for a moment trying to take everything in. But soon they had to move and so they did all the way towards the door where Harry tried to snatch something from Neville at least that was until Nora swatted his arm before giving the item back. As she pushed Harry out the door. As the two made their way toward the village. Harry looked at Nora with frustration on his face. "Remind me how you are a Slytherin"

"Because of my cunning besides Harry, you don't steal"

"Come on it was just one treat Neville could've brought another one"

"That doesn't mean you should have done it. Besides what if Neville tells someone that his treat nearly got stolen? How well do you think that would go?"

"Nobody would believe him"

"Well we aren't taking that chance so no more snacking"

"Fine, but you are no fun," Harry said with a pout.

"I never said I wasn't, but if you steal that makes you no better than the Slytherins you dislike"

"Yeah yeah," Harry said waving her off. As Nora kept her wand lit as the two walked through the snow in search of Draco and Hermione. At least they did until Harry somehow leads them off the trail. Once he did Nora was none too pleased. As she looked at him with a clear look of frustration.

"Seriously Harry we are never going to be able to find them if you get us lost"

"I'm not lost because if you remembered Malfoy said he wanted to see the Shrieking Shack"

"He did?"

"Yes for Merlin's sake how do you not remember something your boyfriend said?"

"I don't know maybe I was distracted by something"

"You mean other than snogging him," Harry teased. This resulted in Nora swatting him.

"We don't snog that much"

"No, you just make a point to either bicker or cling to each other"

"Oh and you don't want to be that way with Cho," Nora said hinting at Harry's recently developed crush on a Ravenclaw who was a year older than them.

"That is beside the point," Harry said as his face went red.

"Sure it is," Nora teased, and just as Harry was about to say something they could hear voices. Nora tugged Harry in the direction of the voices as soon they were near the Shrieking Shack. To see both Hermione and Draco standing on the fence.

"You know it's said to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?"

"Yes only a thousand times Granger," Draco said. Just as it looked like Hermione was about to say something. Both Nora and Harry saw Ron with the same Slytherins they had seen earlier.

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