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Break In Gryffindor Tower

On the evening that took place after the loss against Hufflepuff, the Gryffindors were less merry going than usual. All of them including Hermione wore a sullen look on their faces as all of them headed to Gryffindor Tower. Some might think it was because of the loss that just was dealt to them as for the third year in a row they were unable to get the Quidditch cup. They wouldn't be wrong, but after the word about what had really prevented them from winning the match reached their ears. They were sad about the loss of one of their own. Seeing how far Ron had slid made the Gryffindors question themselves and their house. If a Gryffindor could do such a thing whose to say they couldn't too. The ones who were most affected by this were the Weasley family. Fred and George who Nora could see were usually the life of the party. Playing mostly harmless pranks and keeping the mood light had their head down and were whispering among themselves. Even Percy was affected as rather than try and shoo Draco and Nora to their common room after the game. Instead, he just said nothing which was unusual for him. All of the Gryffindors were sad which debunked Nora and Draco's plans to hang out with Harry and Hermione until curfew. But the idea seemed unlikely now as even as the staircases turned Percy leading the way. Harry and Hermione remained silent as did the rest of Gryffindor as they were climbing up the steps to the tower. Nora and Draco managed to slip into the common room as Percy didn't seem to care like he usually did. The previous times Nora and Draco had tried to stick around Percy had thrown them out without a second thought. Yet now he said nothing as he opened the door and standing in the common room was Ron as he ran up to them fear in his eyes. "I saw him, Sirius Black." Ron cried. Rather than entertain the idea everyone just shrugged.

"Haven't you caused enough trouble for today Ron," Percy asked his arms crossed against his chest.

"But it's true I saw him I swear I did. Don't you believe me," Ron asked? Percy was in no mood for more of his little brother's troubles.

"No Ronald I don't and honestly I don't think anyone would believe you. Not after the stunt, you pulled today."

"Percy you got to, believe me, he was here."

"How can I after what you did today," Percy asked hurt showing in his eyes. Something Nora had never seen before. Usually, Percy was the snipping Headboy who always demanded to be treated as such. Yet here his defenses were down and he was hurting because of his family. It really opened Nora's eyes for a moment seeing a side to the usually snipping Headboy.

Once Ron could see Percy would be of no help he turned to Fred and George. "What about you two? You believe me right." Ron's voice was full of pleading as he looked at Fred and George. Sadly Fred and George shook their heads and gave a look of disappointment to their brother.

"Sorry baby bro, but that was too far right George," Fred asked his voice being less merry than usual.

"Right Fred," George said his voice also less merry. Ron continued to plea for anyone to hear up out yet each and every Gryffindor turned him away. Just as he was about to get to Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Nora the door opened and Professor McGonagall walked in wearing a nightgown and she was wearing unhappy look.

"Why am I hearing commotion when you all should be settling down and you," she started turning to Draco and Nora. "Should be in your own common rooms."

"But Professor how can I knowing Sirius Black was here," Ron asked?

"That is preposterous Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly get through the portrait?"

"I don't know, all I do know is that I saw him."

At that moment Professor McGonagall seemingly forgot that both Draco and Nora were still in the room rather than in their own common rooms. As she let out a sigh before turning to Percy. "Percy, have you seen Sir Cadogan," she asked. Percy pondered for a moment before pointing behind him. Professor McGonagall went towards the portrait of a man dressed in armor who was holding a woman. "Sir Cadogan," she called once then twice. The second time the knight seemed to notice her.

"Ah, how may I serve you, Miss?" Sir Cadogan then pulled flowers out of his helmet before handing them to the woman beside him.

"Excuse me is it possible that you let a mysterious man into Gryffindor Tower tonight?"

"Ah ah, that certainly good lady. He had the password." Sir Cadogan responded as he walked through different portraits before he reached one with a chess board and checkmated them. "In fact, he had the entire weeks on a little piece of paper."

Once hearing this everyone looked toward Neville including Professor McGonagall. "Seriously is it always going to be you?" She remarked with a sigh. Before patting Neville on the shoulder. "He is gone for tonight at least. But I hope you all can assume that he will be back. Now I say this on behalf of the entire staff because at this time we expect you to act responsibly understand," she asked as the Gryffindor chimed in with a yes professor. Professor McGonagall then turned to Draco and Nora. "Now you two I will send word to Severus and he will escort you two back to your own common rooms. Until then wait here."

As Professor McGonagall rushed off the room cleared out leaving only Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora standing there. That was until Ron came up to Hermione. "Granger I know your bloody cat ate my rat."

"That's a lie, Ronald."

"No it isn't and everyone here knows bloody well it's true," he cried before he left leaving Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora alone. They all took seats on the Gryffindor couch as Nora thought over the recent events. As Draco, Harry, and Hermione all looked at her.

"What are you thinking about," Draco asked?

"Isn't it odd that Sirius Black was able to get Neville's passwords so easily? I mean even if Neville dropped them how would Black get them without being on the grounds?"

"Longbottom probably dropped them while having outdoor classes," Draco responded.

"Maybe, but if you were prone to losing things why would you carry the passwords with you to class?"

"I don't know this is Longbottom we are talking about?"

"Yes, but if I were Sirius Black why would I risk being seen in broad daylight even to pick up a piece of paper?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"That maybe Black had some help it would make sense because let's say Neville didn't drop the paper, but instead it was stolen from where he sleeps when nobody was here?"

"Okay let's say I believe you. Who would possibly be able to take Black's side?"

"Maybe another member of Harry's dad group."

"Such as," Draco said.

"Lupin did mention to Harry that he was close to his parents. Plus he was a part of the group that bullied my dad. So why wouldn't he help out an old friend?"

Harry chooses this moment to chime in. "But that makes no sense why would Lupin help out Black if he murdered one of their friends?"

"Who knows maybe Lupin thinks Black may not have murdered Peter the rat like I do"

"You are the only one who thinks that Ron's rat is Peter, Nora."

"So Ron being the only member who happened to see Sirius Black is not strange at all? Come on it's obvious it Black is after Peter the rat after all if my theory is right. Then it is Peter's fault that Black was put in Azkaban"

"Again you are the only one who thinks that even if Black did come after Scabbers which is unlikely wouldn't he have caused more of a commotion"

"Exactly I'm guessing that Black failed to grab Peter the rat which is why he left so quickly"

"Seriously," Harry said with a skeptical look on his face.

"Fine if you don't believe me let's check the map if I am wrong then we drop it."

"And if you are right?"

"Then you help me unravel this mystery deal," Nora said as she offered her hand Harry took it. Harry quickly ran to get the map. He tapped it with his wand and said the words he opened the map and there on the map were the words, Peter Pettigrew. As almost everyone let out a grasp.

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