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The First Patronus Class

The minute that Harry was approved to use the firebolt he was off. While in the match he still looked like he could use work by the end Harry was zooming on the broom as if he had the broom forever. Not since the day before so the match against Slytherin was a tough one. Everyone was there even Uncle Lucius and just at the peak of the match it was Harry and Draco fighting over the snitch and by the skin of his teeth, Harry got it before Draco did. Resulting in Gryffindor's winning as the Gryffindor stadiums erupted with cheers for Harry. Once the match was over Harry spent more time practicing so even when spring started to come he didn't have the time to start lessons with Snape. Though he had suggested they would need to study up on it. Something Nora and Hermione took to heart as in their free time they would be in the library exchanging information about what they could find. Sometimes Draco would come, observe, or even study yet Harry seemed to always find a way out of it as well as the classes that had been trying to schedule. The main reason was that the Gryffindor's captain insisted on having practice every spare moment. This continued until the snow was melting and signs of spring were starting to bloom.....

It was the third Hogsmeade of the year and Snape had insisted on having their first lesson. Kindly remind them after class was dismissed. Mentioning that it would be held in Lupin's classroom who none of them had spoken to since the day everything had been revealed. This struck as something odd to Nora. This would continue until the point when Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora opened the door to the classroom. Nora's first sight was both Snape and Lupin figures lying in wait for them. "I see all of you could make it even Potter," Snape said his arms crossed against his chest.

"Yes, we are all here. But why are we here? I didn't think you would watch to be near each other after the accident," Nora asked confused about why her father and Lupin were standing together.

"Miss. Snape my and Lupin's past is of no concern to you. But if you must know Lupin happens to have something of use to us."

"What would that be?"

"I believe that Professor Snape is referring to my boggart as you all know it morphs into what you fear the most." Lupin chimed in. As everyone turned to look at him. "As long as the four of you think of the dementors once I release it should work."

"Exactly now the spell I will be teaching you all is something that far more complicated than your ordinary spells. If anyone of you isn't up for it you need to leave now. I will not teach anyone who isn't going to put effort into learning it understand?" Snape said looking at Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora as none of them left. A small smile crossed his lips. "Now if you all studied like I told you to I expect one of you to be able to tell me what counters a dementor?"

Hermione raised her hand first. "It's a Patronus sir."

"Correct now do any of you know what exactly a Patronus is," Snape asked. Nora and Hermione raised their hands at the same time for a moment Snape debated on who to choose before landing on Nora. "Miss Snape do you know the answer?"

"Yes, a Patronus is a spell that draws from our happiest memories as a shield against Dementors. It will take the shape of any animal but you don't know which until you cast it. Not only that but the spell is said to be advanced which results in very few being able to successfully cast the Patronus." Nora explained.

"Correct now who can tell me what the spell used to conjure up a Patronus?"

Nora and Hermione's hands shot up as Snape picked Hermione. "The spell used is EXPECTO PATRONUM," Hermione said with a smile on her face.

"Correct Miss. Granger, now there are two forms a Patronus can take. There are differences between them so can anyone tell me the two forms and what the differences between them are," Snape asked the moment he did both Hermione and Nora raised their hands in the air once more while Draco and Harry remained quiet. "Aside from Miss. Granger and Miss. Snape, does anyone else know the answer? For example, Mr. Potter"

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