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Troubles Brewing

Once Nora entered the class she looked around for Hermione. Thinking she may have gone ahead but still Nora searched through the class yet was unable to find her. This continued until finally class started and in front of them stood a wardrobe. With something seeming to be in it. Nora tried to think what could be in there. "Intriguing isn't it?" Professor Lupin asked from behind everyone. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

Come on Nora think about what creature can stay closest. It has to be something that can be dealt by low-ranked wizards or he wouldn't have us learn it she thought as she ran through her mind of creatures until finally, it hit her. "It's a boggart isn't it?" Nora asked.

"Very good, Miss. Snape," Lupin said as he continued to walk to the front as he did this the boggart made another noise. "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows," Hermione chimed in on one side on Nora and on the other side of Ron.

"When'd she get here," he asked just as confused as Nora. That's odd she wasn't here when class began I am sure of it yet she is here now. There is no way she can manage all of those classes not without some help she thought. She was about to think deeper when she remember where she was.

"You are correct Ms. Granger. But now can anybody tell me why nobody knows what they look like," Professor Lupin asked.

"They're shape-shifters and they take on whatever you fear the most, thus is the reason that they are feared," Nora answered.

"Yes yes I've heard it before," Lupin said as he walked to the front as the boggart let out another thud. "Luckily for you, there is a very simple charm to repel a boggart," Lupin said now standing at the front of the class in front of the wardrobe which had made yet another thump. "We will practice it now. Preferably without wands, now repeat after me Riddikulus"

"Riddikulus," everyone repeated.

"Very good. But let's say it again this time be a little louder and very clear. Listen, Riddikulus," Lupin instructed as he pronounced the word Riddikulus louder then any other word.

"Riddikulus," everyone once again repeated this time louder.

"If anything is ridiculous it would be this class," Draco said putting his weight against a curtain. Nora then let out an eye roll. Here I was thinking he got better but I suppose it might take a while she thought. As Lupin went on the explain how just the spell won't work that it is laughter that finishes it. Something Nora had already known. As he went on talking on how you had to imagine it as something you find amusing.

"Let me explain, Neville. Will you join me please," Lupin asked as Nora turned to him. Neville seemed to be nervous about doing it. "Don't be shy. Come on," Lupin said repeating come on in a patient tone several times before Neville made his way upfront his head facing down the entire way. "Neville, what is the thing that you fear the most," Lupin asked in a patient tone. Neville's answer was one that was low nobody could hear it. "I'm sorry Neville but can you repeat that again louder this time please?"

"Professor Snape," he said as everyone but Nora laughed.

"It's not funny guys whatsoever. I know my dad is scary and scares people. I live with him and let's be honest he scares all of you sometimes you would just rather laugh than actually admit it," Nora said as she got closer to Neville. Now standing right behind him. "Sorry Neville about them."

"I should be saying sorry to you Nora it is your dad who I said scares me."

"It's fine I don't blame you on that sometimes dad scares even me"

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