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Comfort and Warmth

A/N: I will warn you ahead of time Draco might be ooc but this is important for plot purposes and story development.

Picking herself up Nora had wandered the halls after breaking down and sobbing in a balled up mess, finding herself at the Slytherin common room each and every time. The only problem was that she didn't know the password, because of her father, and no one in Slytherin had told her because they were all scared of her dad. This meant that Nora was now sitting in front of the painting that was guarding the common room. Wracking her brain trying to think of just what it could be she stared at the painting in front of her.

I need to think if I were a former Slytherin what would I make the pin she wondered trying to think. Muggle-blood can't be it because Dumbledore would never allow it. If not that then maybe the founder of Slytherin. No that would be too easy think Nora think what would be a password that all Slytherins would know she asked herself. When it finally hit her as she stood up with her luggage facing the painting that was guarding the door.

"Pure-blood." Instantaneously the portrait swung open with a low hiss. Rather than it be empty as she thought. She instead was surprised to see that Draco was on the couch still wearing that stupid cast.

"Seriously of all people it had to be you?"

  "What a nice greeting coming from you of all people. Shouldn't you be with godfather, or better yet with the Gryffindors since you are so chummy with them?"

"No, none of that is your business anyway." She crossed her arms over her chest.

  "Judging by the way your acting... Let me guess, he got mad that you're friend with Potter, Weasle-bee and the muggle born and think you should stick by me instead?" Draco asked, batting his eyelashes and mocking her.

  "Ugh, I don't need to hear this shit coming from you. It's not like you are the saint you pretend to be." She scoffed.

  "Says who?"


  "Yes, but last I checked your father would never forbid you from hanging out with me." Draco grinned.

  "I wish he did, then I wouldn't have to put up with your stupid attitude."

"Like you're any better, you have quite the spoiled attitude yourself."

   "What you called spoiled is just me sticking up for my friends,dimwit, not everyone agrees with you." Nora sneered.

  "You wound me so." Draco mocked.

  "Shove a stick in it."

"I'm hurt deeply." Draco snickered.

  Nora rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "I don't know how or why I am putting up with you."

  "So you would rather I tell where you are?"

  "Do what you want," Nora waved him off with her hand. "It doesn't matter because let's be honest, I know what he thinks. I'm a huge disappointment to him. I see it on his face every time I don't meet his expectations, every time I make a choice he doesn't approve of. So, call him here, he's probably not going to come. I don't even know why I came here when I know he cares about Harry more than his own daughter."


  "What? Finally happy that you know my father cares more about him than me?" Nora snapped, interrupting Draco. "There is a reason why I'm not in the dorms and it's the same reason I don't know the password. He is just so overprotective of me that sometimes in the end it hurts more then it helps. Not to mention it doesn't help that almost everyone in this house avoid me because he happens to be my dad," Nora continued; her voice was starting to shake as tears started to form once more. Uncharacteristically Draco got up and attempted to hug her. She tried to fight it but something in the back of her mind told her not to hurt him, so in defeat she just let him.

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