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The next day was filled with rain for the quidditch players such as Harry this meant that playing would've ten times harder at least it would be if they weren't wizards. Before the match, each of the players was given rain-protected goggles so they were able to see. That didn't mean accidents didn't happen one broom was struck by lightning and within moments it came falling down. While Hermione was cheering with the rest of the Gryffindor Nora and Draco stood further along the sides. Nora didn't want to intrude on them and Draco had no interest in getting buddy-buddy with Gryffindor. Thus there they were at least they were until something happened.....

Nora had been watching the match including the moment when lighting lit a broom on fire. She saw how high Harry went as the snitch that she could barely make out went high. But she also saw clock-masked black figures go higher. "Shit," she cussed. As she knew she had to do something so she quickly ran down the steps grabbing her wand from her clock as she made her way down the Quidditch pitch. Past seat after seat Draco seemed to be following her every step of the way. Until finally Nora reached the bottom she waved her wand. "Periculum," she called as red fireworks shot in the air and not even a moment later. Nora saw just what she feared dementors and Harry falling from the sky. Yet when she cast the spell Draco looked over at her.

"What did you do Nora," he cried.

"What had to be done"

"Are you insane?"

"Does it matter better on me than him"

"No," Draco said.

"Draco you can either help or stay out of my way"

"You are going to get us killed"

"I wouldn't I am sure someone will help us for now we have to get them away from Harry"

"Fine," Draco said and with that, the two waved their wands and incanted Periculum. As dementors headed towards them the last sight Nora saw as they sucked energy was Dumbdore pointing his finger towards the falling Harry and saying Aresto momentum. After that everything went black.....

Nora woke up with Draco, Dumbledore, Hermione, and her father's face hovering over her. The moment he saw she was up she was pulled into a tight hug. "Nora Lily Snape, what were you thinking doing that?"

" I wanted to help Harry"

" Clearly but not at the risk of your own life"

"Albus why were they on there aren't they supposed to not go on the ground," Snape asked sounding angry.

"Severus I am just as mad as you are and let me reassure you I will be having a talk with the Ministry of Magic"

"You better because I swear if they hurt my daughter again much less my godson"

"I know Severus"

"I can't lose them not like I lost Lily," Snape said, and as he said that he covered his mouth. Harry who Nora didn't notice was also awake and turned to face Snape.

"Lily that's my mom's name. Did you by any chance know my mum," Harry asked?

"Yeah, you never did tell me why you made my middle name Lily"

"It doesn't matter right now you should be worried about Mr. Malfoy," Snape said obviously deflecting from the conversation.

"Wait what happened to Draco," Nora said as she was about to jump out of bed. Snape let a sigh of relief. Likely because he changed the subject off of Lily.

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