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Fire Bolt and Fight

After the accident at Hogsmeade, things among the former golden trio began to change. Ron was seen hanging out with the Slytherins and even eating their table right in the spot Draco once sat. Ron also took Draco's place as the school's bully, but he was far worse. Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Harry would sometimes find Neville hanging by a pole his cap sticking out. Each time they found him, the four would switch to who would get him down. This continued day after day and soon the days were filled with the noise of the screams of Neville as he hung from the flag pole and the cries of other students towards Ron. Students would run once they saw Ron and his group of Slytherins, this continued to happen throughout the year even into the quidditch season Harry was starting to fear if he could play at the next game was nearing yet the broom they had ordered had yet to come in. Draco made a point to teasing laugh at Harry's lack of his own broom. As though they were somewhat friends Draco still played for the Slytherin team. On the Quidditch field, everything was a far game this was leading to Harry, Hermione, and Nora worried about whether Harry would play at least they were until something happened......

It was breakfast on the day before the match and Harry still had no broom through it had been promised to him. Yet when Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Nora had started eating their breakfast an owl came following down with something wrapped in its teeth. The owl then dropped the item right where they sat as they did everyone from the Gryffindor gathered around to see what it was all about. As Harry slowly tore open the package and in the package was the newest broom for Quidditch. The fire bolt was something Nora recalled seeing when she was shopping for her school supplies. Harry searched for a tag yet there was none. As everyone around the table and even Draco stared in awe of the broom both Nora and Hermione were wearing worried looks on their faces. "Harry I think you should have the broom checked by someone," Hermione suggested. Harry spun around to look at Hermione.

"Why it's fine"

"But we don't know that and honestly with everything going on I would feel better if we had it checked for any spells," Hermione said.

"I agree with Hermione," Nora said.

"You too Nora," Harry asked?

"Yes for all we know that it could've been someone who jinxed if they found out it was likely Black who sent to you," Nora whispered.

"You two are no fun," Harry said with a sigh.

"I agree with Potter," Draco said.

"We are being reasonable I mean would you rather have another accident when Harry nearly gets killed? Or would you rather be safe," Hermione asked?

"Well, it doesn't matter because I am sure it's going to be fine. Besides if someone looks it over it could take forever. Time I don't have it's my broom so end it," Harry said as both Nora and Hermione let out a sigh. As everyone went back to awwing over the broom as Hermione and Nora looked to each other.

"I think we get it checked by both my dad and Professor McGonagall," Nora whispered.

"But won't Harry be mad if we do that?"

"Would you rather him be mad or he is safe because it's obvious that he isn't going to get it checked."

"You do have a point, but how are we going to get the broom away from him."

"We may not have to as long as we inform someone they will take it from him."

"You are right"

"Besides if Harry has a problem with it you can blame it on me"

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