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Making Amends

It was different, traveling from the Slytherin common room to the Great Hall for breakfast, by the time she got there, all of the tables were full. People were already chatting while eating breakfast. Seeing as there was no room Nora made her way to the Gryffindor table and when she did Harry, Ron, and Hermione were looking at her. "Hey mind if I sit here?"

"Why to sit with us when you are so chummy with Malfoy now," Ron asked and when he did Hermione elbowed him.

"What are you talking about?"

"The fact that someone saw you coming out of the Slytherin common room and saw you hanging out with Draco," Ron said as Hermione once again elbowed him.

"Seriously Ronald?"

"Ouch, that hurt Hermione. Why are you taking it out on me when it's true," Ron asked Nora letting out a sigh before taking a seat next to Harry.

"You could have asked me rather than listen to some gossip. But if you must know Ron, dad and I got into a disagreement last night, so given as I don't know the password to the Gryffindor quarters that only left me with Slytherin. Draco just happened to be there and is agreeing to hide my luggage while this continues. Now is there anything else you like to know Ron?"


"Good and speaking of him and all of this I am done with it," Nora said as she then start to signal Draco to come over who was sitting across. He shook his head.

"Why," he mouthed.

"You promised you would try and be nice," Nora mouthed back.

"I didn't think that meant hanging out with them"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy if you don't get your ass over here I swear I will spill every secret I know of you," Nora threatened mouthed.

Draco then let an eye roll. "Fine," he mouthed. As this was happening this caused Harry, Ron, and Hermione to look at Nora.

"Bloody heck Nora what did you just do?" Ron asked.

"Why, I invited Draco over here"

"Here to the Gryffindor table are you mad?"

"I agree with Ron on this one. Why did you do that," Hermione asked?

"Because I believe you all need to at least be civil for Merlin's sake. Especially since I am the one stuck in the middle"

"No, I will not be friends with Malfoy," Ron protested.

"I never said you all had to be best buddies just civil," Nora corrected.

"Well I am not doing it"

"Seriously Ron?"

"You do know he called Hermione a filthy mudbood last year"

"Yes, I had a feeling. And you do know he calls me a mudblood lover?"

"Okay then why in the blood heck are you inviting him over here?"

"Because I am not going to be in the middle of this especially if I am going to be friends with Draco"

"Friends with Draco Malfoy, have you gone bloody mad?"

"I assure you I am perfectly sane"

"Then why are you doing this just yesterday you were calling him a prat"

"I know and he still kinda is but there may be more to him"

"More to Draco Malfoy all he is just some pure-blood"

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