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Fake Dementors

Throughout the month that followed Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora's first Defense Against Dementors class. Draco, Hermione, and Nora as promised did help Harry with his studies. Starting from the night after their first class as they had all of their books open in the Gryffindor common room. As they reach reviewed Harry on a different subject while adding in some information about Dementors in case Nora's dad tried anything. It was through Draco, Hermione, and Nora's efforts that Harry was able to keep up with everything. But as the final match of the season was fastly approaching the Gryffindor captain kept scheduling longer and longer practices. During those times Draco, Hermione, and Nora had to handle their own workloads on top of helping Harry whenever they could. On top of working on their Defense Against the Dementors class. As it went on both Nora and Harry were getting better at waking up sooner after they beat the dementors. To the point where Harry was fainting less and less while Nora still fainted but it was shorter periods of time. Hermione and Draco meanwhile had just recently been able to conjure their patronuses. It was through this progress and their togetherness that kept them together during the late hours they spent helping Harry as the final match of Quidditch was finally here.....

The day the match was held was yet another cloudy gray day. That didn't stop the excitement of the crowds from the stadium. Both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were excited and cheering for each other on their sides. Nora was as excited as everyone else. One by one the players came flying out. From where they stood Nora could hear the announcing of Lee Jordan who was the same year as the twins. "Welcome to the finals and today's game is Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. While Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff at the start of the season they still managed to get at the spot here. But who will win today's game?"

As the Quidditch zoomed by on their brooms to the center as they waited for the day referee to release the Bludgers. Nora was practically bouncing on the tips of her toes. This was something she had been wanting to see in person ever since she was a little girl. Being able to sit in the stadium and watch future Quidditch players go at it was something Nora was going to miss when summer came. Nora looked down to see that soon after the Bludgers were released so was the Golden Snitch. Once it was released Lee Jordan went over the rules through Nora already knew them by heart. Finally, the Quaffle was released, and once the whistle was blown the game began. As from the moment the Quaffle was released both teams went head first into getting it. As the team tossed over trying to get it. There were moments when Nora had to duck from being hit. As the Quaffle was passed between both teams as Nora could see Harry trying to find the snitch. The game went back and further both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor trading points, but it was getting close. Nora could have sworn she saw Harry spot the snitch when it started to slowly rain and soon it was pouring as Harry continued to search for the snitch. Nora had been watching with excitement on her face at least she was until she saw black-cloaked figures. The moment she saw them Nora grabbed Draco and Hermione's arms. "What," Draco asked obviously not happy he was being snapped out of the match. Nora pointed over to the cloaked figures. Hermione was shocked when she saw them.

"I thought Dumbledore and your parents talked to the Ministry about letting them on the field," Hermione remarked.

"I thought so too if that's true then why are they here," Nora asked?

At that moment Nora noticed something rather than floating they looked almost like they were standing. "Holy Merlin you don't think they are," she started to say before Hermione interrupted her.

"He wouldn't he isn't that stupid," Hermione remarked but seeing as the figures were looking more like people.

"Well, we might as well check in case," Nora said as she started making her way down from her seat. As she kept fighting the rain that was still pouring down her wand out. Nora looked to see her dad was no longer in his seat as Draco, Hermione, and Nora made their way down the stairs towards where the "Dementors" was. Just as they were nearing the "Dementors" a mist of a silver cloud enlarged and hit the "Dementors" causing them to fall down right where they were. Once their cloaks fell off Nora could make out who they were. Turned out it was Crab, Goyle, alongside two other Slytherins that Nora didn't recognize and Ron. Just as they were about to leave Nora decided she had enough of this "Not so fast you all." She remarked with a smile before pointing her wand at them except for Ron. "Immobulus."

At that moment all of them froze in place. Once Ron saw this he tried to run but Nora took him down before he could. Grabbing his wand while Draco and Hermione came up. Nora even pointed her wand at Ron. "Incarcerous," she said as ropes began to bound Ron. Nora was about to speak when Draco spoke instead. "So you all thought it would be a nice idea to make Potter fall off his broom thinking it was dementors. Yet here you are frozen and powerless yet you say I'm the disgrace to Slytherin." Draco's voice filled with venom with every word. Hermione wasn't too pleased either as she got closer to them.

"Seriously Ronald you stooped low enough to try and hurt Harry. I can't with you," Hermione's said as she eye-rolled while looking at Ron.

"Come on we both know that either Harry would manage to save himself or Dumbledore would say him like last time," Ron said. Nora let out a harsh laugh at his excuse. Ron glared at Nora. "What you have something to say Snape?"

"What would you have done if Dumbledore didn't get there in time," Nora asked her voice getting louder with each word.

"Exactly what would you have done then Ronald," Hermione asked her voice clearly showing her frustration.

"Come on we both know that Dumbledore would save his ass as always," Ron remarked and just as Nora was about to say something smart. Snape came up.

"Mr. Weasley, Miss. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Snape," Snape said then turned to list the other now frozen Slytherins. "Might I ask why you are here?"

"These clowns decided to play a trick on Harry, so we just dealt with them before they could get away," Nora said.

"What might I ask did you use," Snape asked a disapproving look on his face.

"Just Incarcerous and Immobulus nothing that would harm them."

"Great and since you decided to step in you can hold them and help escort them to my office."

"Wait who won," Hermione asked?

"I'm afraid while Mr. Potter was distracted the Hufferpuff seeker was able to grab the snitch." Snape deadpanned.

"So Gryfindor lost?" A defeated look was now on Hermione.

"Yes, Miss. Granger now if you have no more questions then you can help Miss. Snape and Mr. Malfoy escort them. I will be taking Mr. Weasley and Mr. Goyle," Snape said as he grabbed Ron with one arm and the frozen Goyle with the other. Draco, Hermione, and Nora grabbed their own Slytherin Nora using Incarcerous to keep them from escaping. As all of them were walking together back to the field where Professor McGonagall was waiting for them.

"Severus may I ask why you Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Granger, and Miss. Snape had these boys in your custody," Professor McGonagall asked with a confused look on her face. As Snape informed her of everything that had happened while Draco, Hermione, and Nora kept the boys in their grasp. Once Professor McGonagall was updated she shook her head while looking at Ron in particular.

"Mr. Weasley 40 points from Gryffindor for trying to distract Mr. Potter. Had he not done something he could've died. You will be serving detention with Severus until the next Hogsmeade. Your parents will also be informed and called for a meeting," Professor McGonagall said then looked towards the Slytherins. "I trust you can handle members from your own house, Severus?"

"Yes," Snape replied before glaring at the boys. "25 points will be taken from Slytherin for helping Mr. Weasley. Your parents will be informed of course and you will also be serving detention I hope you enjoyed your freedom because it will be your last taste of it for a while," Snape said before looking at Hermione, Draco, and Nora. "Five points will be deducted from your houses for interfering. But since you caught the pranksters you will each get 10 points. Now if you will excuse me I have to OWL their parents." Snape growled as at that moment more teachers came as Snape handed the boys over to them. As the teachers along with Professor McGonagall and Snape made their way away from the field. Leaving Draco, Nora, and Hermione stunned about what happened. Hermione the most stunned of all.

"I can't believe he tried to do that to Harry." She remarked.

"I know it hurts Hermione, but you can't control him."

"I know but that doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt."

Nora walked over and hugged Hermione. Afterward, the three of them went to find Harry to explain everything that had happened. As that game had revealed how much Ron was willing to do what he thought was right even if it hurt others. Making Nora wonder as the three walked what else he would be willing to do? These are her last thoughts before she chooses to focus on her friends and protecting them. As things were getting more complicated than she ever thought they would be...

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