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Sneaking Out and The Marauders Map

For the time that was leading to the upcoming holidays, the students were fair busier as were the teachers. Instead of spending time just goofing off and bantering as they usually did. Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Nora would spend time in the library in their common rooms quizzing each other. As before they knew it mid-terms would become Hermione even putting her face in her book more than usual with the increased amount of workload. Nora thought something was up because there was no way Hermione could make all of her classes without some sort of magic. But Nora was in no mood to question it. With mid-terms coming up Draco and Nora had even less time to spend together. When they weren't studying they were trying to sneak away for some time together yet it kept failing. Someone always caught them before they could do anything. This continued until finally, the mid-terms finished. Since the holidays were drawing near so was the next trip to Hogsmede. In the days leading up Nora tried to plead with Snape to allow her to go to which his answer was no every single time.

Nora tried once more on the morning of even going so far as to bring Snape breakfast. Nora had brought a tray that held Snape's favorite things and when she noticed his study he motioned her to come in. "Hey Dad," she greeted.

"What do you want Nora," he asked barely looking up from what he was doing.

"I was wondering if I could," Nora started before Snape interrupted her.

"If this is about Hogsmeade no I will not allow you to go not with Black still on the loose"

"Seriously come on dad everyone is going"

"Everyone except you and Potter who don't have permission to go"

"Come on dad please"

"No, and if I hear about it again, you are grounded"

"Fine and here I brought you a nice breakfast," Nora said setting down the food.

"Yes to bribe I am sure"

"Seriously must you be this way"

"Always now shoo I have work," Snape said and with a defeated sigh Nora walked out of his study and up the dungeon stairs. Towards the same meeting place as last time as she met Draco, Hermione, and Harry. A defeated look on her face.

"I'm guessing he still said no," Hermione asked?

Nora nodded as Draco pulled Nora close to him. "I had a feeling godfather has always been protective of you"

"I know but since it turns out Lupin was an accomplish to the guy who bullied my dad so we can't even go to him"

"Sorry about that Nora," Harry said.

"I should be the one who is sorry Harry. I mean it was thanks to me you learned that your dad may not have been as good as everyone told you"

"It's fine besides I could have a worse parent and he is better than the Dursleys. In fact, anyone is better than them I would rather live with Snape than the Dursleys. No offense Nora"

"None taken my dad can be seriously scary to even me"

"On a less depressing note have any of you seen Ron," Hermione asked changing the subject.

"Come to think of it I don't think I have not since our fight," Nora said. Hermione looked to Draco.

"Don't look at me Granger I haven't seen Weasley either," Draco said.

"Harry," Hermione asked?

"Sorry Mione I haven't seen Ron either," Harry said. Hermione looked as if she was about to say something when Professor McGonagall called all students who were going to Hogsmeade to come. Hermione gave Harry a hug before she left as Draco kissed Nora on the crown of her head.

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