✩ 14✩

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Invites and Failed Planning

Nora woke up to the sight of sunlight streaming into the Great Hall. Nora was about to ask why she was here when she remembered everything that happened yesterday. Black broke into the castle and we were made to sleep here she thought as she let out a sigh. Nora slowly got up and stretched before getting up to see if Draco was awake. Only to see he was peacefully sleeping. Seeing Draco sleep honestly did things to Nora. Seeing the usual ferocious Draco sleeping peacefully was a sight to see. The person who constantly fought Nora yet was so at peace sleeping. You wouldn't think he was an ass if you saw this Nora thought. As she smiled to herself as she allowed herself to look at him. It was at that moment she realized two things one she liked Draco romantically and two she was never going to tell him. Despite her new desire to tell him rather than do she allowed herself to watch him as she was until she heard a familiar voice. "Miss. Snape do I need to know why you are watching Mr. Malfoy sleeping," Snape asked?

"No, unless you want to bare witness to me smothering him with a pillow," Nora said not meaning it yet still smiling like she was up to something.

"Under no circumstances will you be smoothing my son with a pillow," a voice said and Nora didn't need to look to see who it was.

"Good morning, Uncle"

"Yes, I suppose a good morning to you, Miss. Snape. Are you telling me my son is still sleeping?"

"Yes, why did you have something to tell him, Uncle Lucius?"

"No, it isn't important at this moment"

"What were you going to show feelings and now that it is the moment too you have decided to chicken out?"

"No, it was something else it matters not and even it was what you said it is really none of your concern Miss. Snape"

"I suppose not but aren't you the one who says Slytherins should be ambitious and cunning Uncle?"

"Turning my own words against me aren't you," Lucius said stroking his chin. For a moment Nora feared that she might be in trouble. "How Slytherin of you. I see your daughter is on her way to being a true Slytherin Severus. I hope to hear more about you over breakfast"

"Oh, you are staying for breakfast?"

"Yes Severus allowed me after I traveled so far this morning after hearing the news that my only son and goddaughter were at risk because Black had broken in"

"Traveled I thought you the great and powerful Lucius would Apparition to Hogwarts"

"I'm afraid that the energy that it takes to apparition so far. Is much too much for me."

"I see well since you traveled so far. I assure you will be one of the first to know when Draco wakes up"

"As I would expect and if you would please invite some of your friends with us to breakfast. I would like to see the type of friends my goddaughter and son have chosen to keep company in"

"Yes of course Uncle," Nora said, and with that Lucius left with Snape following behind him. At that moment Hermione seemed to have found them.

"Nora how you are going to explain to him that you and Draco keep company of me? The last time I met Lucius Malfoy he wasn't all that nice towards me"

"Of course, he wasn't why am I not surprised? Uncle Lucius has far more pure blood ideas than Draco"

"Yes I know I met him last year at Flourish and Blotts Bookseller through he didn't say anything explicit"

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